Does this constitute defamation,libel or slander suit?

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Based off what you stated above you nor your BF have thick skin. I have a spinal cord injury. Sometimes i feel like walking because i still can. Yet my gait isn't so good. So i kinda zig zag thru the store. I've had the cops called because someone in the store thinks i am drunk. I've had people get in my face because i drive a big 4x4 truck and park in the cripple spot. I dropped my pants once in the parking lot to show this old lady that was screaming at me for parking in a cripple spot. So that she could see the railroad tracks of scars down my spine. You know what i do when people say stuff. I SMILE and walk on 99.9% of the time. As stated above..... Unless there is a NO drinking clause in your lease it would be hard to evict you. Now your on notice that your boy friend familly don't like you or him. I would seek another place to live so your feelings don't get hurt in the future.

Dang, almost forgot the best part... I've been told i am a drug addicit because i take pain pills. I was working in my neighbor front yard a few years ago. It was on a Saturday as i remember it well. when i purchased my home the yard was like a yard in home and gardens book. So i wanted to learn to grow grass and my neighbor wanted grass like mine. The regular mail lady was on vacation. Her fill in was asking me questions about how to grow the grass. Then she said...... How is that neighbor over there (pointing at my house). Why i asked? She stated the regular mail lady told her i was a drug addicit because VA sends my pain meds in the mail. I laughed my butt off..... I told her that is MY house. That i was doing my neighbor yard to learn how to grow grass. I could have gotten them both in trouble. Yet i choose to smile and laugh about it.

Have a wonderful day.
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Sorry for your injury, I have Multiple Sclerosis for 19 years. Was in a wheelchair walker use a cane multiple hospital stays etc etc.
I have thick skin- trust me.
Don't judge!!!
Sorry for your injury, I have Multiple Sclerosis for 19 years. Was in a wheelchair walker use a cane multiple hospital stays etc etc.
I have thick skin- trust me.
Don't judge!!!
FYI- I asked for legal advice- yet to see any from you. Keep bashing it's so professional.
On the grounds defamation as defined by law has not taken place and you have suffered no damages as the law recognizes damages.
Time to shut this down.
If you need more information, hire yourself a lawyer.
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