Dollar General bad customer service


New Member
New Mexico
Hello I was just in a dollar general store, I was treated very rudely by a manager there, im a regular customer there and this is the first time I was treated this way. She yelled at me at 9:44 pm that I had 4 minutes to leave the store, but the store sign said closes at 10pm. I was yelled at again by this girl that if I wasn't going to purchase anything that I needed to leave, I yelled back "im fucking buying stuff damn calm down?!" She then said "nope your not get out of my store" I proceeded to the register and she told the other girl to not cash me out. I looked at her and asked what her problem was. She said I told you you have to leave or I will call the cops. I told her go right ahead. She was on the phone and I was waiting, told her I wanted to buy my stuff, and that I did nothing wrong. She said "no" I just decided to leave and that's when it got bad. I stopped to tell her what she did was wrong but she didn't want to hear it and she pushed me out the door. I told her get your hands off me, she then let me go and talked her smack. Idk if she was drunk or high, but that was not right. I just wanted to know what my rights are as a customer and how she handled this situation.
Hello I was just in a dollar general store, I was treated very rudely by a manager there, im a regular customer there and this is the first time I was treated this way. She yelled at me at 9:44 pm that I had 4 minutes to leave the store, but the store sign said closes at 10pm. I was yelled at again by this girl that if I wasn't going to purchase anything that I needed to leave, I yelled back "im fucking buying stuff damn calm down?!" She then said "nope your not get out of my store" I proceeded to the register and she told the other girl to not cash me out. I looked at her and asked what her problem was. She said I told you you have to leave or I will call the cops. I told her go right ahead. She was on the phone and I was waiting, told her I wanted to buy my stuff, and that I did nothing wrong. She said "no" I just decided to leave and that's when it got bad. I stopped to tell her what she did was wrong but she didn't want to hear it and she pushed me out the door. I told her get your hands off me, she then let me go and talked her smack. Idk if she was drunk or high, but that was not right. I just wanted to know what my rights are as a customer and how she handled this situation.
You have the right to complain to the upper management of Dollar General or the person who owns the franchise. I am surprised you didn't know that. You also have the right to take your business elsewhere.
You have no inherent right to be in the store.
You were an invitee and your invitation was cancelled.
I suspect that the initial 4 minute warning was neither rude nor a yell.
Your ego got the best of you and you escalated the problem with profanity.
You have no inherent right to be in the store.
You were an invitee and your invitation was cancelled.
I suspect that the initial 4-minute warning was neither rude nor a yell.
Your ego got the best of you and you escalated the problem with profanity.
When I worked retail, I'd give a 30-minute warning to each customer individually (it wasn't a large space - probably about a Dollar General size). At 15 & 10 - a general announcement. At 5 minutes? Time to make your way to the register or out.

One of my biggest beefs? Customers who believe they can treat staff any which way they want. Something to think about @Ceejay1115 ... 9:45 at night. The way most stores are staffed these days, I bet these two young women (you called them girls) were a bit wary to start when a guy (I'm assuming) walks in close to closing (despite being a "regular). To then be met with a rather aggressive response when told it was nearing closing time. Did it occur to you that they might be scared? Or how you might have diffused the situation?

When/if you do make those calls? Moderate your speech. I've been on the other side of those calls (both from customers about staff and from Corporate about me). When the complaint is made full of anger and profanity? Wanna guess who the higher-ups side with?
There are THOSE moments in our lives, those moments where one must simply grit her/his teeth, put on a "happy smile", and simply, quietly, walk away swiftly, never looking to the rear, looking ahead.

All too often, most human beings must be heard and seen, rather than swiftly, safely, silently, quietly, slipping away.

Few of us fail to master a rather easy task, being seen, but not heard.

Most of us allow SOMETHING deep inside of ourselves that compels us to both be seen and heard to confront our purported offender. However, such behavior is very often to our detriment, not our benefit.

Another one of my many lessons taught, acquired, and forever learned during one of the most momentous training or learning experiences during my life, US Army Ranger School.
You seem to have confused this site with Yelp.

Up until end, you had not raised any legal issue (except that a merchant may refuse service for any reason that is not based on illegal discrimination). If a merchant asks you to leave the store, you leave. Becoming a belligerent a-hole is a good way to get arrested.

she pushed me out the door.

That could have been an assault/battery. On the other hand, the employee may have been privileged to use reasonable force to get you out of the store since you had already refused multiple requests to leave. Since you appear to have suffered no damages, you have no legal issue - only a customer service issue.
There are THOSE moments in our lives, those moments where one must simply grit her/his teeth, put on a "happy smile", and simply, quietly, walk away swiftly, never looking to the rear, looking ahead.

All too often, most human beings must be heard and seen, rather than swiftly, safely, silently, quietly, slipping away.

Few of us fail to master a rather easy task, being seen, but not heard.

Most of us allow SOMETHING deep inside of ourselves that compels us to both be seen and heard to confront our purported offender. However, such behavior is very often to our detriment, not our benefit.

Another one of my many lessons taught, acquired, and forever learned during one of the most momentous training or learning experiences during my life, US Army Ranger School.
I absolutely agree with you. I actually thought about it on my way home. How moments like that are what make people do and say stupid things. It was definitely a learning experience to be better next time and just walk away. Thank you so much for your wisdom. I 1000% agree with you. And thank you for everything you've done for our country.
You seem to have confused this site with Yelp.

Up until end, you had not raised any legal issue (except that a merchant may refuse service for any reason that is not based on illegal discrimination). If a merchant asks you to leave the store, you leave. Becoming a belligerent a-hole is a good way to get arrested.

That could have been an assault/battery. On the other hand, the employee may have been privileged to use reasonable force to get you out of the store since you had already refused multiple requests to leave. Since you appear to have suffered no damages, you have no legal issue - only a customer service issue.
Thank you.
When I worked retail, I'd give a 30-minute warning to each customer individually (it wasn't a large space - probably about a Dollar General size). At 15 & 10 - a general announcement. At 5 minutes? Time to make your way to the register or out.

One of my biggest beefs? Customers who believe they can treat staff any which way they want. Something to think about @Ceejay1115 ... 9:45 at night. The way most stores are staffed these days, I bet these two young women (you called them girls) were a bit wary to start when a guy (I'm assuming) walks in close to closing (despite being a "regular). To then be met with a rather aggressive response when told it was nearing closing time. Did it occur to you that they might be scared? Or how you might have diffused the situation?

When/if you do make those calls? Moderate your speech. I've been on the other side of those calls (both from customers about staff and from Corporate about me). When the complaint is made full of anger and profanity? Wanna guess who the higher-ups side with?
I agree with you. Thank you.
I absolutely agree with you. I actually thought about it on my way home. How moments like that are what make people do and say stupid things. It was definitely a learning experience to be better next time and just walk away. Thank you so much for your wisdom. I 1000% agree with you. And thank you for everything you've done for our country.

The wonderful thing about life, most of the time, if we survive that uncomfortable moment, we are alive to do better next time.

As far as your situation goes, you're alive and you've learned something.

Use whatever you can to do better the next time something unpleasant occurs.

When I'm confronted with one of life's myriad of weird, awkward moments, I immediately review what I need to do this time avoid to avoid another UNPLEASANT, AWKWARD moment like the last time.

You'll be okay, because you've allowed the incident to replay in your memory, in preparation for the next time.

Keep the faith citizen, steady as she goes.
The wonderful about life, most of the time, if we survive that uncomfortable moment, we are alive to do better next time.

As far as your situation goes, you're alive and you've learned something.

Use whatever you can to do better the next time something unpleasant occurs.

When I'm confronted with one of life's myriad of weird, awkward moments, I immediately review what I need to do this time avoid to avoid another UNPLEASANT, AWKWARD moment like the last time.

You'll be okay, because you've allowed the incident to replay in your memory, in preparation for the next time.

Keep the faith citizen, steady as she goes.
The wonderful about life, most of the time, if we survive that uncomfortable moment, we are alive to do better next time.

As far as your situation goes, you're alive and you've learned something.

Use whatever you can to do better the next time something unpleasant occurs.

When I'm confronted with one of life's myriad of weird, awkward moments, I immediately review what I need to do this time avoid to avoid another UNPLEASANT, AWKWARD moment like the last time.

You'll be okay, because you've allowed the incident to replay in your memory, in preparation for the next time.

Keep the faith citizen, steady as she goes.
Thank you again. You're a great writer, do you have any books published or anything?
Thank you again. You're a great writer, do you have any books published or anything?

Thank you, you're very kind to comment.

Yes, I've written two books.

My first book attempts to share my experiences as a young army Artillery officer in Nam.

My second book describes the circumstances leading up to my nomination and subsequent award of the Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star, and Bronze Star during my second tour in Nam.

I'm reluctant to use this site to publicize any of my commercial endeavors. Thanks for commenting, I appreciate your kind words.
Hello I was just at Dollar general with my mother-in-law and the one customer didn't know that that the lady was my mother-in-law as I walked in the one girl was like she's a crackhead all she does is steal first of all I was never caught stealing there they're assuming due to me being a recovering addict but how dare you say that in front of customers I have a couple of witnesses how do I go about this
Hello I was just at Dollar general with my mother-in-law and the one customer didn't know that that the lady was my mother-in-law as I walked in the one girl was like she's a crackhead all she does is steal first of all I was never caught stealing there they're assuming due to me being a recovering addict but how dare you say that in front of customers I have a couple of witnesses how do I go about this
It would have been better if you started your own thread rather than hijack another member thread.

But, since you did hijack: What state did this happen in?
You asked, "how do I go about this" Go about what? please specify.
How were you harmed from the comment this clerk made, other that mild embarrassment?
how do I go about this

Here's my two cents on the matter.

If I were you, I'd ignore comments that bother, annoy, irritate, or otherwise insult me.

Had it been me, and not you, I'd have shut my mouth, and started humming quietly, or whistling one of what I call, "my happy tunes".

Bottom line, insults can't hurt you, unless you TAKE NOTE OF THEM, AND PERMIT THEM TO HURT, HARM, ANNOY, OR OTHERWISE IRRITATE YOU!

My simple life philosophy is ignore nonsense. It irritates and annoys the big mouthed, interloper far more when she/he/it is ignored. Finally, a smile seems to annoy loudmouthed bums, far more than words spilling from your tongue/mouth.

Truth be told, SILENCE, along with a smile causes most big mouth louts far more irritation than a snappy comeback!!!!
Hello I was just at Dollar general with my mother-in-law and the one customer didn't know that that the lady was my mother-in-law as I walked in the one girl was like she's a crackhead all she does is steal first of all I was never caught stealing there they're assuming due to me being a recovering addict but how dare you say that in front of customers I have a couple of witnesses how do I go about this
Thank you for sharing.

As was previously mentioned in post #6, this isn't Yelp.

Good luck in your recovery. Realize that it will take a long time to prove to others that you have truly changed and replace their old negative impressions with a new positive ones.
One final thought popped into my head.

If you feel your custom isn't appreciated, you have choices.

The number one choice, NEVER spend your hard earned dollars/pennies patronizing any service, store, seller, or other retailer where you leave feeling unappreciated, disrespected, bamboozled, or financially ravaged.

You possess the power to choose the lucky retail outlet that appreciates your custom, respects your personage, and treats you in a manner that you expect.

Otherwise, don't spend your loot to be disrespected and unappreciated.

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