Dollar General Incompetence and rude vulgar behavior from staff

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Jude Richard

New Member
Hello, I'm a living human being I am from Morse, La the same place the Dollar General is located. I went purchased a netspend western union and I paid with reciept $225.00 to pay a bill. Well guess what five days later five days late on my bill I now have late fees because when I went home to activate it is says I can't activate it until properly scanned. The employee partial scanned it so I follow netspend and western union instructions to allow the cashier to speak with them about rescanning my card so I can activate it. The worker become defensive vulgar and down right rude refusing me important service refused to talk to the card company and this happened nine times before she called the cops on me all because she refused to do her job.

Her Name and other details REDACTED BY A MODERATOR.

I call netspend they tell me the same thing over and over and I talked to a general manager who said I swiped my card and I got scammed but I never swiped my card it's a new card and I called to activate it but wasn't properly scanned so how can the district manager say it was stolen it was never active because of the dollar store worker. If it was my business she'd be fired so fast. I am disgusted and very angry by her actions and this is not how you treat a customer. Now I can't use my cars because I'm banned from there and/or refuse my refund. I done nothing to deserve that to be banned from my home town store where I spend a lot of money and for someone with my disabilities easy and convenient for me to shop there. All she had to to was rescan it.

How could the money on my card be stolen it's not activated. When I call it said the card not scamned right can't activate it several times for five days going back and forth with the Dollar General.

They are liars and they made me look like a criminal and I'm a disabled Navy veteran who never breaks the law I'm quiet to myself very respectful and well respected in my community and within my Navy Conrad'S.

This woman needs to be fired if she done it to me how many has she die this to and why won't she just rescan the cars did she pocket my pretty shines perfect 3-100$ bills. Is she a thief or the actual criminal I think so how else could thr money disappear off the card because she never scanned it on purpose and refuse to rescan it. I am beyond angry in calling my lawyers I already filed a police report and they said that they demand statement records and all conversations records I've had with all these businesses. This is a conspiracy it's not the money it's not a lot it is what's right and the principal of the matter. I will file small claims court fees anything I have to do to bring this to justice and to light. I want a formal apology from the cashier the dollar general netspend and western union. I also want compensation for my card and I want revenge restitution for all this hardship they brought into my life my chest is hurting they gonna give me a heart attack. I am a Navy veteran who does not deserve this kind of treatment from a public store to be yelled at and cursed at then the cops called on me saying I'm not welcome here anymore. I want that reversed and a formal apology with the media if possible. I'm contacting the media next.
You'll only make this situation more complex and difficult by alleging things you are unable to prove.

If you continue to exhibit such outrageous behavior, others will soon ignore you.

However, throwing insults and allegations of criminality you're unable to prove, might result in you becoming the defendant in an expensive defamation lawsuit.
Hello, I'm a living human being I am from Morse, La the same place the Dollar General is located. I went purchased a netspend western union and I paid with reciept $225.00 to pay a bill. Well guess what five days later five days late on my bill I now have late fees because when I went home to activate it is says I can't activate it until properly scanned. The employee partial scanned it so I follow netspend and western union instructions to allow the cashier to speak with them about rescanning my card so I can activate it. The worker become defensive vulgar and down right rude refusing me important service refused to talk to the card company and this happened nine times before she called the cops on me all because she refused to do her job.

Her Name and other details REDACTED BY A MODERATOR.

I call netspend they tell me the same thing over and over and I talked to a general manager who said I swiped my card and I got scammed but I never swiped my card it's a new card and I called to activate it but wasn't properly scanned so how can the district manager say it was stolen it was never active because of the dollar store worker. If it was my business she'd be fired so fast. I am disgusted and very angry by her actions and this is not how you treat a customer. Now I can't use my cars because I'm banned from there and/or refuse my refund. I done nothing to deserve that to be banned from my home town store where I spend a lot of money and for someone with my disabilities easy and convenient for me to shop there. All she had to to was rescan it.

How could the money on my card be stolen it's not activated. When I call it said the card not scamned right can't activate it several times for five days going back and forth with the Dollar General.

They are liars and they made me look like a criminal and I'm a disabled Navy veteran who never breaks the law I'm quiet to myself very respectful and well respected in my community and within my Navy Conrad'S.

This woman needs to be fired if she done it to me how many has she die this to and why won't she just rescan the cars did she pocket my pretty shines perfect 3-100$ bills. Is she a thief or the actual criminal I think so how else could thr money disappear off the card because she never scanned it on purpose and refuse to rescan it. I am beyond angry in calling my lawyers I already filed a police report and they said that they demand statement records and all conversations records I've had with all these businesses. This is a conspiracy it's not the money it's not a lot it is what's right and the principal of the matter. I will file small claims court fees anything I have to do to bring this to justice and to light. I want a formal apology from the cashier the dollar general netspend and western union. I also want compensation for my card and I want revenge restitution for all this hardship they brought into my life my chest is hurting they gonna give me a heart attack. I am a Navy veteran who does not deserve this kind of treatment from a public store to be yelled at and cursed at then the cops called on me saying I'm not welcome here anymore. I want that reversed and a formal apology with the media if possible. I'm contacting the media next.
Do you have an actual legal question or did you just post here to vent?
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