Criminal Records, Expungement domestic battery and gun licensing

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I was charged with domestic battery back in the late nineties after my schizophrenic brother tried to kill me and I had the audacity to defend myself.It was a farce and the judge knew it but in this town they have to convict you of something so he found me guilty of disorderly conduct.I asked at the time if it would affect my buying a firearm and he said no it was a misdemeanor.I later tried to buy WWII pistol for my collection and was denied, this was only a few months after so I though it just hadn't been removed yet,I tried to buy a rifle about a year ago and was denied.I am disabled now (and look like an easy target. Its my legs) and would like to get a concealed permit and I want to know if this will show up and if they will check it out thoroughly and realise that it was dropped to a misdemeanor, because I can't afford to get an attorney to fix it. Thank You Zanaith
Why not try to first seek an expungement? In our Law Guide section we have an explanation of expungement and how to expunge a criminal record. State laws will vary, including in Florida - so where is a list of state expungement laws. Simply because a crime was expunged does not mean that it is not available to authorities and it would depend upon state law. I'm not sure how Florida might handle such a case but I think that this process has its benefits and without any perceivable detriment. Good luck.
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