Perhaps we can all calm down and have a civil conversation?
I haven't seen any DA or criminal justice system want to promote an obvious dismissal, especially a case which would involve years of jail time (a felony) and cost to the state for a minor incident. What happens most often is that the entire story doesn't appear and perspective is usually added later when it must be revealed.
@Jacquelineb1982 - a battery charge requires a physical element. We didn't hear how you ended up with a "scratch" on your finger. Did you require or receive medical care? Was it an open would that was bleeding? More importantly, what was your boyfriend charged with doing to you which resulted in the charge? How did the police even get involved? Once thing that is alarming is a statement about not caring whether your boyfriend beat you. There are many questions here which point to not hearing the entire story, especially the relevant parts that fill in the blanks which would answer many questions. Personally I think you ought to seek counseling to speak to someone for perspective, which we cannot do here.
@wigditty - We try to provide a wide leeway for comments and sharing of opinions. On the topic I disagree with you that he will go back to prison, guaranteed. We don't know many facts nor do the facts point to any vested interest that any of the persons you mention would have to send this man to prison, at a substantial cost to the state.
Certainly you can state your opinions about the "justice system" but if they are stereotypes than it's of no value, which stereotypes usually are. We have a section here on domestic violence which actually speaks to some of the difficulties of how innocent men can be challenged by the manner in which the law can operate. But that doesn't mean any person in law enforcement or a court of law would, in any way, want to create a mountain of pain and cost when the harm appears to be non-existent. And it's manifestly clear that there is much more that we haven't discussed here and it's certainly best dealt with licensed professionals who can address the specific issues of which we are unaware and can only speculate, such as a public defender and a domestic violence counselor (even if just for going through the motions.)