Donkeys planning to snatch more of your money!!!

army judge

Super Moderator
I don't see it getting passed in what will be a congressional election year.

Thanks to 19 (or so) crazed pachyderms, the donkeys managed to push the the so called "cooperative" infrastructure bill through the senate.

Even the one called "cocaine" Mitch voted with the insane pachyderms.

Contrast that with 30 sane pachyderms who opposed the LIEgeslation.
I'm no fan of tax increases, but be wary of accepting everything at face value from that article. Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) is a lobbying group that has a very particular point of view that it is pushing hard in that article. As a result, it is certainly not a neutral or balanced piece of reporting.

Time always reveals a person's true intentions.

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