Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI Driving on Suspended License after DUI

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March 17,2011 - Speeding and refusal of implied consent
April 26, 2011 - Request for administrative hearing sent by attorney. A response to this request was never received. I was told by my attorney the reason for this was that we didn't send the request in a timely manner and I was refused.
August 26, 2011 - DUI court - attorney attended with me. plead guilty to both counts, awarded limited driving permit.
September 2, 2011 - Denied permit at DDS due to administrative suspension.
September 3, 2011 - While driving home from work I received a ticket for driving on suspended license.
October 10, 2011 - DDS informed me the reason I didn't get an administrative hearing was $150 should have been sent with my request. My attorney didn't send this money or inform me it was needed.
November 3, 2011 - personally mailed $150 to DDS with copy of letter sent in April by attorney.
December 12, 2011 - Court for driving on suspended. Judge said there was nothing they could do lesson this. Paid $500 fine.
January 13th, 2012 - Attended administrative hearing with attorney. Arresting officer dismissed his report and the administrative suspension was lifted.
January 16th, 2012 - Informed by DDS I'm ineligible for the permit due to the driving on a suspended license. I will be eligible for a license June 12, 2012.

I feel the attorney I hired dropped the ball. They didn't send $150 with request. Didn't inform me this was necessary. If court had been handled in the proper order I could have 1. had the DUI dropped completely or 2. had the limited permit the day I was given the ticket.

I am a single mother who is not receiving child support. I've been relying on friends, family, and the salvation army to help pay my bills and get me around. They cannot continue to support me.

I'm looking for what needs to happen next to get the suspended license ticket dropped or reduced. DDS has told me this is the next step. Or, is it possible to go back now and have the DUI dismissed? Since the implied consent was the basis for the case?

Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
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I am a single mother who is not receiving child support. I've been relying on friends, family, and the salvation army to help pay my bills and get me around. They cannot continue to support me.

At this point it seems your recourse is to wait until June and get a new limited driving permit. It sounds like you are finally taking responsibility for your actions, even if involuntarily. I suggest if driving is such a priority, you continue to make alcohol less of a priority.
Thank you for your response. I'm actually here looking for legal advice. I will however take your personal advice into consideration.
You have no legal options, short of waiting until June.

Even if you hired another lawyer,the process would drag on until June.

If you have a lot of money, I suppose you could hire a lawyer to petition a court to order the DDS to reinstate you.

But, that would cost a bundle of cash.

The result you want would still be a 30% crap shoot at best.

I've seen Daddy Bigbucks do it a time or two, however.
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