dropshipping injuries

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New Member
Middle East
hey I live in Israel and I want to start a dropshipping store
when I dropship I cant look and see the product myself, so if a product breaks and hurts someone or someone's property will I be the one to blame? (even tho I am not the one who made the product)
now if I put a terms of service (that in this terms of service it says that I am NOT responsible for any damages that caused by the products) and the buyer has to agree to it before he buys the product
will it save me from a lawsuit of even with this terms of service I am still screwed if something like this happens?
Sorry, this site discusses the federal laws of the USA, the state laws of its various state entities, and the local laws and ordinances of its many localities.

You should speak with a lawyer where you reside and/or will conduct business.
It's a rather universal concept that disclaimers don't prevent lawsuits. They may provide a possible defense but there is also a universal concept that one may be liable for one's own negligence.

Buy the proper business liability insurance (ביטוח אחריות עסקית) and you won't have to worry about lawsuits.

Thread stays closed because that (and get a lawyer) is all that can really be said about the matter.
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