Due process in suspension from high school

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I was suspended and ultimately expelled resulting from vadalism I was involved in at my public high school in Virginia. I was never given a hearing for my initial ten (10) day suspension and when I was alerted of the expulsion hearing I was never given a list or told the specific charges. Futhermore I was told that a lawyer in the proceedings would not be necessary. Upon going to the expulsion hearing I had not yet been convicted of any crime. I was never given a chance to call witnesses or "cross-examine" the school board's witness. I believe these incidents are direct violations of my 14th and 5th amendment rights. Do you feeI this was illegal? I would like to know if I can legally have this suspension and expulsion removed from my record as well as recieve punitive damages?
Good question. Don't know this one. I don't know whether you'd get punitive damages although perhaps the process of depriving you of a government provided right might be declared unconstitutional.
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