Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI DUI- 1st

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I got my first DUI in ok. I was charged with expired tag, driving left of center(on a small country road!), and improper movement from direct course. The officers kept informing me they are only misdemeanors. I have already had an arraignment date which now, the next court date we are trying to work out a plea bargain with the prosecutor. I can't sleep most nights with all this being on my mind. Please, advice on possibilities is much needed. Thank you. I also refused a breathalyzer, but am currently on call-in felony probation. I have already reported it and she said if she needs to contact me she will. It's been almost two months and nothing has yet happened?
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You really should be working with your lawyer regarding this & asking him/her all your questions.
I got my first DUI in ok. I was charged with expired tag, driving left of center(on a small country road!), and improper movement from direct course. The officers kept informing me they are only misdemeanors. I have already had an arraignment date which now, the next court date we are trying to work out a plea bargain with the prosecutor. I can't sleep most nights with all this being on my mind. Please, advice on possibilities is much needed. Thank you. I also refused a breathalyzer, but am currently on call-in felony probation. I have already reported it and she said if she needs to contact me she will. It's been almost two months and nothing has yet happened?

You need a lawyer. This charge can get you revoked on your felony probation charge.

Hire a lawyer, ASAP. If you have a lawyer, speka ONLY to that lawyer about youyr case.

Whaever you do, don't BAREFOOT it.
What is BAREFOOT? It means going to court WITHOUT a lawyer. You could get glass or rusty nails embedded in your SHOELESS feet.
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