Dumpster Company Harrassment


New Member
I am writing to seek advice regarding a situation with a dumpster rental company. I am an elderly man who rented a 20-yard dumpster early last year

Out of sheer coincidence, the day after filling the dumpster, the company sent me an email threatening to dump its contents in my driveway if I don't pay $1560 by 2/9/2024. Upon reviewing my contract, I discovered a daily fee that I was not aware of initially. I paid $795 when I initially rented the dumpster, and I am not disputing the debt. However, I am currently unable to make the payment until my insurance company disburses funds.

Complicating matters, I reside in a two-family house, and we typically rent the attached apartment. Due to storm damage, we have been unable to rent it out. The dumpster company's refusal to pick up the full dumpster is now hindering an ongoing construction project, further delaying repairs and our ability to rent the apartment.

In a subsequent email, the company agreed to stop the daily fees (after 332 days of accrual) if I pay promptly or repeating their earlier threat to do so, proceed to dump the contents of the dumpster in my driveway. This situation feels like harassment, and I am unsure of my rights and the appropriate steps to take.
The dumpster company's refusal to pick up the full dumpster is now hindering an ongoing construction project, further delaying repairs and our ability to rent the apartment.


, the company sent me an email threatening to dump its contents in my driveway if I don't pay $1560 by 2/9/2024. Upon reviewing my contract, I discovered a daily fee that I was not aware of initially. I paid $795 when I initially rented the dumpster, and I am not disputing the debt

You've caused your dilemma, mate.

The contract you signed, requires you to pay an additional $1560 to the vendor no later than 9 February '24.

Delaying, moaning, groaning, etc won't help, only your disbursement of $1560 before COB on 9 February will eliminate further ramifications.

This situation feels like harassment, and I am unsure of my rights and the appropriate steps to take.

Your self imposed predicament isn't anything similar to harassment. In fact, I'm sure your vendor feels as if you're stiffing them for the last 332 days. The longer you delay, you'll only increase your potential pain.

Yours is nothing more than a debt problem.
Debt problems have three known cures.

One cure is bankruptcy.
Another cure is to pay the debt in full.
The third cure is your demise, as in death.

Good luck, mate.
It's not harassment, it's called "dunning" when a creditor insists on payment and threatens you with consequences if you don't pay.

You signed a contract without reading and understanding it, you breached it.
until my insurance company disburses funds.

Disburses funds for what? You said that this situation has been going on since "early last year." What happened that caused you to need a dumpster for an entire year, that caused you to take a year to fill the dumpster, and caused your insurer to be involved?

Upon reviewing my contract, I discovered a daily fee that I was not aware of initially. . . . I am not disputing the debt. . . . [P] This situation feels like harassment

Repeated attempts to get a debtor to pay a valid debt is not "harassment" in any legal sense.

I am unsure of my rights and the appropriate steps to take.

Like everyone else, you have lots of legal rights, but it would serve no useful purpose to try and compile a list. When faced with the consequences of failure to pay a valid debt, the appropriate thing to do is to pay the debt or negotiate some sort of mutually agreeable resolution. If there is an insurance issue in play, then you ought have parallel discussions with the insurance adjuster.
Like everyone else, you have lots of legal rights, but it would serve no useful purpose to try and compile a list.
It might be easier for you to set this as your signature line (unless you've got a macro for it) :P