Dunkin Donuts


New Member
I worked at Dunkin Donuts as a baker for 2 weeks. When I first got there the store was unorganized and messy. The district manager hired me. I tried to give the manager my documents but copy machine was broke. Days before it was time to get paid I receive a text from the district manger saying she needed my documents so I can have a check. I sent that to her in a text because she said I could. One day my friend got into an accident and I couldn't work so I text the district manager to let her know I couldn't make it. Long story short it's been 3 pay periods and I have still not gotten a check. I don't work there anymore can someone please help me I have a child who birthday is coming up this month.
That's a shame. Not all Dunkins are franchises (corporate headquarters is only a few miles from me) but there's no question some of them are. In that case, I agree with AJ - your best bet is a wage claim with the state.

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