Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI duo while on parole

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My boyfriend recently got out of prison in April, and was placed on parole. His PO said if he did well he would be off in a year. Ge recieved a duo while on probation of last year for a 1st offence. On the 14th of june he was pullef over for speeding and i guess he had been drinking. There for receiving a2nd offence dui. He is now sitting in the county jail. Will he be sent back to prison or have to do time?
Since he doesn't seem to grasp that when you get a gift handed to you, you need to play by the gifter's rules, my guess would be yes.
Did he talk to his PO? What did he/she say?

He might also want to talk to a lawyer to see what he/she can do for him.
He was given detailed written instructions when he received parole.

Those instructions were discussed with him.

He eventually signed a document agreeing to do many things, and to keep his nose clean.

I guess he needs some reeducation.

Some people never learn.
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