Domestic Violence & Civil Orders Dv Plea Army Waiver


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Hello . My ex girlfriend said i did a bunch of things to her , including dv battery and assault with a deadly weapon . The deadly weapon charge was dismissed , the DV battery i took a plea and it was dropped to disturbing the peace . There was no evidence of anything no marks nothing . I kindof got f'ed over . Im trying to join the army and they have put in a request for a waiver . However domestic violence convictions (keyword convictions) disqualify you from the military . Now since i took a plea the misdemeanor domestic battery was dropped to a disturbing the peace , is that still a domestic violence offense ? Will the army see that as domestic violence ? Just want to know if ill get denied or how they will see it . Is there any way i can appeal charges even though the case has already been closed ? In hindsight i should have fought the case more , at the time i had no plans of joining the military and was just tired of the whole thing so i took the plea and did the classes so i could be done with it .
Hello . My ex girlfriend said i did a bunch of things to her , including dv battery and assault with a deadly weapon . The deadly weapon charge was dismissed , the DV battery i took a plea and it was dropped to disturbing the peace . There was no evidence of anything no marks nothing . I kindof got f'ed over . Im trying to join the army and they have put in a request for a waiver . However domestic violence convictions (keyword convictions) disqualify you from the military . Now since i took a plea the misdemeanor domestic battery was dropped to a disturbing the peace , is that still a domestic violence offense ? Will the army see that as domestic violence ? Just want to know if ill get denied or how they will see it . Is there any way i can appeal charges even though the case has already been closed ? In hindsight i should have fought the case more , at the time i had no plans of joining the military and was just tired of the whole thing so i took the plea and did the classes so i could be done with it .
When you took your plea deal, did you allocute? Have you discussed this with your/a recruiter?
When you took your plea deal, did you allocute? Have you discussed this with your/a recruiter?
Yes my recruiter knows everything and has put in a waiver , read over the police reports , and tells me theres a good chance i can be accepted (he specifically said mine isnt that bad and they've approved a guy who beat the tar out of his mother and done a ton worse) , theyre doing everything they can to try and help me . I dont know what allocute means , but on my background check there is no mention of domestic battery or assault , just the disorderly conduct and the dismissed deadly weapon . It just says "disorderly conduct , misdemeanor , guilty" .
I dont know what allocute means

"The defendant explicitly admits specifically and in detail the actions and their reasons in exchange for a reduced sentence." Wikipedia.

It just says "disorderly conduct , misdemeanor , guilty" .

Until you read the case information and find out what you had to admit to. There is no appeal from a plea bargain just because you are inconvenienced by the results.

The Army has all that information. You'll just have to wait and see how it plays out.

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