EDD Overpayment

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I received unemployment in 2007 after being laid off from my job about 6 months after not finding a job I got a part time job and reported all my hours to EDD. I then left California to Nevada to stay with friends because I was offered a job and then they decided not to hire me. EDD tried to contact me and say that I owed them money in back pay from the beginning which my umemployment began $21000. I ended up getting some phone hearing appeals and missing them because of I moved and they were sent to me by mail and it would get forwarded to me and by the time I got them I missed the court date. Now it's to the Superior Court of CA and they won't help in any way. I'm very un clear on a lot of the legal stuff. Basically they are saying I owe them $21,000 because I quit my parttime (which I reported all hours) job and the handbook says I'm not allowed to quit a job while on EDD. I had always kept in contact with EDD on what I was doing. So now I need help. I was laid off this year for a couple months and received unemployment however they took it all from me as well as my taxes to payback what they say I owe them. If you can please contact me regarding this I would appreciate it or direct me to someone who can help me.
It seems you might owe the money but we don't have full, complete details. You can always talk to an unemployment ins. attorney & see what the attorney says/suggests.
Your best opportunity was the appeal hearings.
At this point you need an attorney's assistance. There is no easy way to resolve your problem.
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