Edit buttons

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How can I delete my post without being moderator or administrator?

Can send request to moderator? If so, how?

Best regards.
Hi L.P already posted on the edit feature how can a standard user edit, I lost the edit feature but Irish223 still has it. I have not even begun to figure out the rep power,and points. The thank you feature is a great touch though. Glad to see Cdw happy to be able to hand out infractions. :biglol:
Of course we are all friends I just want you to give Cdw a siren and red lights.
Its fixed I got the edit feature back thanks Mike! Uh-oh the P.M feature drooped somehow? I don't know if I did it or got messed up putting in the edit feature?
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It seems that, if you use the "Edit" feature, it double-posts. The original post stays, and your change post is displayed as well.

Didn't there used to be a "Delete" button?
Last year there was a delete button.
The delete button and the P.M feature are missing for me. The edit button has returned.
testing for delete.
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Nope no delte button. Edit works.
Thanks L.P.
Just tested it looks like it works did you get the test P.M Professor?
So what was the bug? By the way thanks for fixing it.
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