Electrical Pad Vault Relocation Responsibility?


New Member
I wasn't sure which forum to post this question in, but it's real estate related:

When a developer buys a large tract of land and sets the lot lines for the homes to be built, the electrical pad vaults are generally placed on the lot line between homes so as not to restrict ingress or egress. After the pad vaults are placed throughout the development, what if, at a later date, the developer replats some lots (for whatever reason he may choose), is it the developer's responsibility to move the existing pad vault(s)?
This is esoteric and particularly local, and there's no way that anyone on an internet message board is going to have this sort of knowledge. You'll have to consult with a local attorney.
If at the time you bought your lot the pad was say in the middle of the lot, and you still bought it, it would be your responsibility to pay to have it moved.
If at the time you bought your lot the pad was say in the middle of the lot, and you still bought it, it would be your responsibility to pay to have it moved.

Reading the post on the other forum that Jack linked it is indeed very similar to this, but on that other forum more details were provided. I suspect it's the same person, and those extra details help fill in a little of what is going on.
The answers probably can be found on the utility's website under the tariffs. The utility owns the transformer.

The electric company that supplies us in NJ will move their lines without charge if they need to moved for a good reason. My neighbor was installing a pool and the power lines needed to be moved to comply with the code (can't pass within so many feet of the pool). There was no charge to do it but it took a while for them to get to it.

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