Electronic vs. Paper Tickets

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New Member
Hi All,

I received two parking tickets for an expired inspection sticker 5-6 weeks ago. The data entry and legibility of the 1st ticket was poor- my plate # can be mistaken for another # and the time of the offense was noted at 1:17 am- a strange hr to be issuing tickets. The orginal plan was to pay the first ticket and try to receive a reduced amount for the second given that the time in between getting both tickets (2 days in a row) was not enough time to remedy the offense, but that it was resolved w/in 2 days of the first ticket. I attempted to pay online but there was no record of those tickets being issued, even after ~ 5 1/2 weeks. I thought this may be due to the poor data entry and legibility. Should I just go ahead and pay both online before incurring late penalties since its past the 30 day due date, or should I wait and see if either one appears in the system?- presuming that if the first ticket doesn't show in the system, that it couldn't be or won't be due to its dubious nature, so I would only pay the 2nd ticket.

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