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At theage of 15 in florida, can you become legally emancipated if you have your parents consent. How do you go about the process? I also have to twin boys. I feel that staying in this home would be a danger to me and my children. My mother has called the cops on my numerous times and has gotten DCF invloved. I believe the best thing for me and my kids would be to live on our own.
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At theage of 15 in florida, can you become legally emancipated if you have your parents consent. How do you go about the process? I also have to twin boys. I feel that staying in this home would be a danger to me and my children. My mother has called the cops on my numerous times and has gotten DCF invloved. I believe the best thing for me and my kids would be to live on our own.

How do you plan on supporting these children as well as yourself? Do you work?

How are the babies in danger? Why is DCF involved?
Frankly, I cannot imagine any judge granting emancipation to a 15 year old with twins. You cannot even get employment at 15 years of age. To request such would raise great concerns for the small children involved in this move.

Why in the world would you be better off on your own? How do you intend on supporting yourself? There is no way a court is going to emancipate you as you have no way to support yourself financially. Do you have any help with the twins? How are you supporting them? Have you dropped out of school?
DCF is involved because when my mother doesnt get her way she likes to call the police. They reported ME to DCF TWICE
I do online school, and I work babysitting every week and every other weekend.

And do you make enough to SOLELY support yourself and two babies? Rent, medical, dental, heating, FOOD, clothing, transportation, incidentals...etc...???? Who do you think will rent to a 15 year old child?

Why is Mom calling the police? Why do you think that, once called, the police are reporting you to DCF?
You are 15, w/twins? Your mom is probaly the rational one...hind site is 20/20. Getting an abortion would have been the best idea. You can still salvage the situation by adopting the twins to a stable & loving, safe & nurturing family. I'd say give the kids to their father if he is more able, however from the sounds of it he is/was a pedophile or a statutory rapist...unless of course he's 15 too...either way he's probably as much of a mess as you are.

If you plan to keep the kids, I'd "knuckle under" take advantage of the free digs, free food, free electricity, free cable, etc. & get your shit together enough to be able to take care of your kids in the real world! It ain't easy & you're not ready!
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