employee giving 2 months notice

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as an Ohio employer,I have a probationary employee(1 week left) who has done an accceptable job but just came in to verbally give 2 months notice as she is relocating. At the same time she has asked for time off with pay as she will earn 2 personnel days upon completion of this probation. Are we required to continue holiday pay,personnel days etc for someone who is leaving us? can we accept the resignation but not allow the 2 months length or are we obligated for all of this for the next 2 months? thanks for any feedback Paul
Unless she is under contract, I see no reason why you have to allow her to work the full 2 months and give her the paid time off she is requesting. You might want to check with an employment law attorney though.
You may accept their resignation effective immediately and are under no obligation to pay them anything except wages for time already worked. You have no legal obligation to allow them to work the two months notice or to pay them for the time if you choose to let them go immediately.
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