Employee Harassment- To throw out of the building and call security

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I had been an Employee of Investment Bank Company having headquarters in Boston. Does the managers in the organization have the right to tell the employees
1. I will throw you out of the building
2. This is my organization
3. I will call security.

Manager harassed employee to the extreme that the employee was totally frustrated and at once felt like committing suicide. Later, She quit the organization and even now there are rumours in office that She was asked to leave the organization.
Since these were the verbal statments therefore the employee does not carry any legal proof.
Now the employee raised a query on the organization website for which the employee received a letter from the Vice President of the organization that the her behaviour had been unprofessional in the organization premises and her personal records will be closed with these remarks.

Please let me know the concerned authority who can resolve the matter.
Thanks Proserpina
Please let me know the concerned authority who can help me as i don't carry any legal proof But the Human Resource Manager of the organization has accepted the matter was brought to her notice.

Please let me know your email id so that i can forward mail to you.
Thanks Proserpina
Please let me know the concerned authority who can help me as i don't carry any legal proof But the Human Resource Manager of the organization has accepted the matter was brought to her notice.

Please let me know your email id so that i can forward mail to you.

Your friend has no cause of action here.
1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.

How exactly was this person "harrassed"?

Rumors, and the spreading of them, is not illegal under the great majority of situations. How is this person now being harmed by the "rumors"?
She resigned the organization only because manager constantly for months used words like I will call security,I will throw you out of the building and This is my organization. i can do anything.
She also spoke to the HR but it was in vain.
Now she raised the same query in the companies website and the Vice President of the location sent a courier to the employees home stating that the employee had been unprofessional in the companies premises and he is going to close her personal record with these remarks And share the same with the new org that she joined.

This is totally unfair as the manager was wrong he had harassed her and now they all are going to spoil her career with these wrong remarks.

Please let me know, whom can she approach. Company is a Boston Based investment bank.
She resigned the organization only because manager constantly for months used words like I will call security,I will throw you out of the building and This is my organization. i can do anything.
She also spoke to the HR but it was in vain.
Now she raised the same query in the companies website and the Vice President of the location sent a courier to the employees home stating that the employee had been unprofessional in the companies premises and he is going to close her personal record with these remarks And share the same with the new org that she joined.

This is totally unfair as the manager was wrong he had harassed her and now they all are going to spoil her career with these wrong remarks.

Please let me know, whom can she approach. Company is a Boston Based investment bank.
Manager is without a doubt a jerk, but he/she didn't violate any laws.
I seriously want to know if there is any law/authority which can help her out. If there are bad remarks in her personal records then she will definately be in trouble.
And she does not deserve these comments.

Please let me know if there is any law that can help her.
Can the manager's comments be categorised under harassment category?
You've already been told. No, nothing she did was against the law. Therefore there is no "authority" which can "help her out" unless she decides to pursue this internally.

And no, the manager's comments may be unprofessional, rude, etc. and so on and so forth, but they were not illegal harrassment. Google "hostile working environment".
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