employees recording me

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I have been informed that during some of my conversations with my employess (I am a supervisior) that I am being recorded by these new cell phones. Company policy addresses the misuse and "unethical" practice of using company equipment, but not personal items. They are trying to get me to make derogatory comments about other workers, or about :confused: managment. It is plain to see that some of these people are gunning for me. What should I do?
Just be careful what you say and to whom. If they are making these type of comments in trying to get you to do so as well then take appropriate action to the situation.
They are trying to get me to make derogatory comments about other workers, or about managment. It is plain to see that some of these people are gunning for me. What should I do?

1. Don't make any negative statements and don't get drawn into any questionable conversations with these individuals.
2. You should take this concern to senior management as they may want to revise their policy. It certainly is easy enough to make a new work rule that prohibits employees from recording work conversations by any means without the express permission of senior management and stating that employees who do so will be subject to immediate termination. (That may still not prevent anyone from doing this but it will make the consequences entirely clear and easily enforceable.)

By the way, what State are you in? Recording conversations without the consent of all parties may not even be lawful in your State.
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