Employer in CT with Unemployment Question

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Hello, I was hoping someone would be able to help me with an unemployment question. I recently closed my small business (I operated under an LLC) in CT due to financial issues. Since closing, I have received documentation from the CT Dept. of Labor indicating that one of my 3 part-time employees is filing for unemployment. I know this because I had all of my business mail forwarded to my home address. My question is if I am out of business, closed permanently, can the Dept. of Labor come after me to pay for this person's unemployment wages? Or am I relieved of them because I am out of business?
Did you have unemployment insurance?

Did you close your business down according to state statutes; thus making a statute of limitations for people coming after you?
Confused in CT

I did have unimployment insurance, but once I closed my business I dropped all of my insurance and closed my accounts with all vendors. I have not dissolved the LLC as of yet because my accountant plans on doing it after tax season when he's not so busy. What do you suggest?
Call the unemployment bureaucrats in your state and ask them what happens in a situation like yours.
Urget question about Unemployment

I really need help with an unemployment question I had
I am a valet driver ,I been working in the same place for about 11 yrs
Between that time several company have come and gone
But, I always had about the same benefits and pay and job guarenteed
But recently a new company took over,
That wants us to fill a application for the job and offers no health insurance unless you are in mangement
We were told that we needed to take a drug test before we were even consider for the new company
I really need my job but I need health insurance more
Healthcare is crazy and I can not afford not to have it
we were told our last day is feb 31 with our current company
Now, Can I still get unemployment with the current company now even though i do not want to apply with the new company

I'm in texas
I really need to know something today if possible
They want us to take a drug test

I do not what is going to happen once i do take the drug test ,if its going to keep me from getting any benfits as of unemployment,etc
mandie, you hijacked a thread (extremely rude), but I will answer anyway:

Yes, you have to take the drug test.

If you flunk, you may be denied unemployment.

The unemployment bureaucrats are the bureaucrats who handle unemployment.

Google your state plus unemployment insurance. I don't know the name of the unemployment bureaucrats in your state.
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