Employer withheld final pay because I refused to sign a departure agreement


New Member

When I resigned from my last employment (my choice), my final weeks pay (and additional commission) was denied to me when I refused to sign a poorly-written/retro-fitted departure agreement (wrong pronouns, general grammar errors, vague, etc.) that would have kept me from working in my field in my geographical location.

If this is illegal on the part of the former employer, what are the best steps to take?

Thank you in advance.
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Yes, it's probably not allowed, IF things are precisely as you recite.

The first thing the worker should do is ask the business why the paycheck hasn't been paid. If the business refuses to release the check, the worker may choose one of the following three options:
Obtain the services of a private attorney.
File a claim in small claims court (for up to $4,000).
File a wage complaint with L&I.

Filing a Workplace Rights Complaint

The wage complaint form is available at any of L&I's 20 statewide offices, or it can be downloaded here: Worker Rights Complaint (F700-148-000) form. Read the information provided with the form, fill it out and return it to L&I. Get more information about Filing a Workplace Rights Complaint with L&I here.

Filing a Workplace Rights Complaint
If this is illegal on the part of the former employer, what are the best steps to take?

I'd start with the state wage claim. Nothing better (and cheaper) than turning state government loose on your employer.

You are wise not to sign that agreement. Never sign a non-compete with any employer.

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