Employment Background Checks & Hirings

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New Member
Hello all:

I am in the process of interviewing for work and am concerned about the employee background checks. I was charged with a Misdemeanor offense last March and am concerned that companies will use this as a reason to decline employment to me. I am hoping someone who is familiar with background checks and California employment law can help me out.

The offense for which I was arrested was a 273.5(A), but the DA brought the charges down to a 415 Disturbing the Peace. I served and completed 26 hours of anger management. I am now working with my lawyer to have the charge expunged.

My question is how much of the record will appear on the background checks? That is, will only the Misdemeanor conviction appear or will the complete arrest record come up? I am applying for office work with private companies (i.e. administrative, executive assistant, marketing) and am worried that these companies will use this record as an excuse not to hire me. Is this a valid concern? If so, what can I do to ensure that I will be hired in the near future?

Finally, I am wondering if it is best that I wait until the record is expunged.

Please help!

Starting Over
All background checks are not created equal. A background check can be as simple as calling your former employers, or as complicated as getting top Federal security clearance, or anything in between.

In your state an employer cannot ask about arrests unless you are awaiting trial. They CAN ask about convictions. Some employers will not be concerned about your conviction; others will. There is NOTHING you can do to ensure you are hired in the near future - no one, no matter how clean their record, has any guarantee of that.
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