Employment harassment.


New Member
I would like to know if there's any way possible that I can take legal actions against my previous employer. I was having a conversation with a customer and one of the managers over heard me telling her that I believe I might be pregnant and was waiting for my DR appointment to clarify it and then I was going to let my boss know about it when I had a secure answer. So the next day the manager desides he wants to harrasme and start picking at me while I was doing my duties. He kept on and on until we got in a argument long story short he sent me home on that tuesday. When i return back to work friday another manager takes me outside and tells me that I would have to wait until my boss calls me back so i waited a few day's. Then i receive a call from my mother asking me if it's true that I'm not working at the pharmacy anymore and i responded with yes I'm still working, I just have to wait for my boss to call me back she was like how a friend of hers went in the pharmacy looking for me and one of my co-workers told him I wasn't working there anymore. So I called the pharmacy and asked to speak with the boss he didn't want to answer my call and made the manager that sent me home answer so I asked him why are customers stating that i don't work there anymore if according to my knowledge i was waiting on the boss to call me back. He told me i was terminated and I didn't even know the only way i found out was thru that customer and from me actually calling them. I need advice on what to do i. My results from my Dr actually came out positive im expecting a baby and my boss it's taking long to accept my unemployment. Is there anything that can be done?
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You can file for unemployment. The state will review your application and decide.
What do you mean by the manager was harassing you? How do you know it was because you were overheard talking to the customer? What exactly did you do as far as the argument goes? Have you ever had any other issues while working there?
What do you mean by the manager was harassing you? How do you know it was because you were overheard talking to the customer? What exactly did you do as far as the argument goes? Have you ever had any other issues while working there?

His always following me every where. He was talking to the other employee from his country in there language. The reason I knew it was about me was because the coworker would come to me and tell me. I know he over heard me because his always after me and after that the next day that's when he started picking on me really bad. He was assuming i was talking on the phone then i had a cookie in my lab coat and he started saying i was eating on the floor it was a very irrelevant argument that didn't have to escalate the way it did. But ever since he started there he just been on me for some reason. I was working there for three years and my boss never had any issues until this manager came along.
if this guy is always on you, that isn't illegal. It is just a manager with whom you do not get along. You are also assuming her heard that conversation with the customer. While the accusation about the cookie might have been annoying, it was not in any way illegal not in any way related to your potential pregnancy. Firing you for arguing with the manager is entirely legal and not uncommon. I don't see any recourse for you.

While it was poor form for you not to be directly notified of the termination, it is not illegal either.

Your employer also does not decide who gets unemployment. That is up to the state.
if this guy is always on you, that isn't illegal. It is just a manager with whom you do not get along. You are also assuming her heard that conversation with the customer. While the accusation about the cookie might have been annoying, it was not in any way illegal not in any way related to your potential pregnancy. Firing you for arguing with the manager is entirely legal and not uncommon. I don't see any recourse for you.

While it was poor form for you not to be directly notified of the termination, it is not illegal either.

Your employer also does not decide who gets unemployment. That is up to the state.

Well thanks for nothing. I was just looking for some kind of advice i think it's just ok to treat your employee's like animals in this city then. Accourding to unemployment they waiting on him to send my gross income for certain calendars day. And you say it's just ok to terminate me without me even knowing really?? I do have a living to maintain he can't just have me on hold not knowing i found out from other people that where not him ok.
Unfortunately unemployment is not always fair and equitable(in your eyes). Many things in employment may not be to an employee's liking and there are often conflicts with management and differences in personality. There is a huge difference in what is fair/unfair and what is legal/illegal or actionable. And yes responses to information to unemployment claims allow employers a certain amount of time to respond, including mail time. Your particular manager may not even have anything to do with that. It's a very unfortunate situation for you and best case scenario you will receive your benefits soon or find other employment where you are treated better.
Don't blame the messenger for the message. No one said it was "okay" for him not to tell you. The key point here is that it is legal. It may be rude, it may be unfair, it may be immoral or unethical or any derrogatory terms you care to use. But it is legal. That's not our fault. We don't write the laws.
The problem is based just on what you posted, your employer did not do anything illegal. You filed for unemployment ins. - that is all you can do & look for other employment. Good luck.

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