End of my rope


New Member
I feel like I'm at the end of the rope with the current situation with my wife and that divorce is the only foreseeable outcome. We have been together for almost 8 years but have only been married for less than 2. We have had our issues like most people but nothing I felt we couldn't get past.

Back in July, I found out she has been having inappropriate conversations with other men online. She has never met them, but she has expressed multiple times her desire to do so. I found out when we where in bed and I saw one asking her for pictures of her in bed. I confronted her the next morning and was told that it was a one time thing and that she had already blocked and deleted him. That was a lie. After another week of seeing her constantly having conversations I dug into it a little deeper. She was having multiple conversations. To date, she has now had chats with over 50 different, unique accounts across 7 different social media and chat applications. She knows I have seen what she's doing. We have had multiple fights about it. Of course, it's all my fault. She claims she has and is doing nothing wrong. She tells them how much she loves. Things she wants to do to them. That she wants to marry them and be with them forever. She does nothing but say all these bad things I do, nothing violent. How I have constantly wronged her and killed her dreams. Everyone we know always tells her that she is wrong about that. She is just unable to accept responsibility for her own actions. To her, nothing is ever her fault. She has told me many times she would stop these chats, but nothing has stopped to date.

Now here's the real shock. They are all scammers. They all claim to be celebrities or musicians. Joe Elliot and Rick Savage of Def Leppard are the two most used. Also Rick Allen of Def Leppard, Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue, and Harrison Ford. She'll be talking to multiple people with the same name at the same time. She says she's trying to figure out which one is the real one. She is already certain that two are real. They almost always ask her for something. Usually it's gift cards or money thru something like cashapp to pay for a "fan card or membership" so that they can be together. She only recently sent something to any of them. This past weekend she sent out a $20 steam gift card and a $50 amazon card to two of them. She's also assuring them that she will be sending them more, along with a couple others. I've gotten her mother involved in this and a couple good friends. She refuses to listen to anyone, and tells the scammers how much she hates us and loves them because of how we're treating her. I've also talked to her psychiatrist and therapist. That was after a fight where she tried to get violent.

I really don't know what options I have at this point beyond removing myself from this entirely. Hence the possibility of divorce. I don't see her making this easy with her current state of mind. I expect it to be a fight. I just don't know if I have enough grounds for an at fault divorce, or if I really need to convince her for no fault mutual consent. We have no kids. The house is in my name only, bought before our marriage. Same with our only vehicle. I do have records of everything that's been going on. Complete chat logs, photos, screenshots, etc. I just don't know how much of it I can use against her.

So what's your take on all this.

Thank you.
I just don't know if I have enough grounds for an at fault divorce,

I can't afford to pay the filing fees
Costs to record, or "file" documents such as the complaint, vary from the type of document, or pleading, to the county in which you begin your case. Some court filing costs may be in the hundreds of dollars. If you cannot afford to pay these fees to the court, you will need to complete the form below entitled, In Forma Pauperis, a Latin term, referring to someone who cannot pay. You will be asked for your income and expense statements. The court may require that you appear in person for a hearing or a judge may decide based upon the information you provide on the In Forma Pauperis form. Instructions are included in the form. Once completed, take the IFP form to the appropriate records office in your county courthouse. This office is called the Prothonotary or Office of Judicial Records.


The following document will help you identify the type of divorce case you want to pursue (mutual agreement on a divorce; no mutual agreement but have been separated for at least two years). There are instructions outlining which forms are necessary and in what sequential order they are to be presented, or filed, with the court records office (in many jurisdictions this office is called the Prothonotary). Additionally, the document contains detailed instructions on how to complete each individual form. Several forms have been updated and make parts of this document out of date. Please read carefully and check back to this site for an updated document soon.


If you and your spouse agree to begin divorce proceedings, use the forms listed below for 3301(c)(1). Once you have completed these forms, contact your local courthouse administration for additional instructions. You must print each form and take it to the designated office in your county courthouse. For No Fault and Mutual Consent 3301(c)(1) proceedings, use the forms below. You are required to "serve" or deliver a copy of each form you prepare to the opposing side. See Service Forms.

Individual County Courts | Courts of Common Pleas | Courts | Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania

Individual County Courts | Courts of Common Pleas | Courts | Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania

Divorce Proceedings | Representing Yourself | Learn | Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania

Its beyond time for YOU to exit this drama, stage left, ASAP.

Once her funds are exhausted, yours will be, too!!!
I feel like I'm at the end of the rope with the current situation with my wife and that divorce is the only foreseeable outcome. We have been together for almost 8 years but have only been married for less than 2. We have had our issues like most people but nothing I felt we couldn't get past.

Back in July, I found out she has been having inappropriate conversations with other men online. She has never met them, but she has expressed multiple times her desire to do so. I found out when we where in bed and I saw one asking her for pictures of her in bed. I confronted her the next morning and was told that it was a one time thing and that she had already blocked and deleted him. That was a lie. After another week of seeing her constantly having conversations I dug into it a little deeper. She was having multiple conversations. To date, she has now had chats with over 50 different, unique accounts across 7 different social media and chat applications. She knows I have seen what she's doing. We have had multiple fights about it. Of course, it's all my fault. She claims she has and is doing nothing wrong. She tells them how much she loves. Things she wants to do to them. That she wants to marry them and be with them forever. She does nothing but say all these bad things I do, nothing violent. How I have constantly wronged her and killed her dreams. Everyone we know always tells her that she is wrong about that. She is just unable to accept responsibility for her own actions. To her, nothing is ever her fault. She has told me many times she would stop these chats, but nothing has stopped to date.

Now here's the real shock. They are all scammers. They all claim to be celebrities or musicians. Joe Elliot and Rick Savage of Def Leppard are the two most used. Also Rick Allen of Def Leppard, Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue, and Harrison Ford. She'll be talking to multiple people with the same name at the same time. She says she's trying to figure out which one is the real one. She is already certain that two are real. They almost always ask her for something. Usually it's gift cards or money thru something like cashapp to pay for a "fan card or membership" so that they can be together. She only recently sent something to any of them. This past weekend she sent out a $20 steam gift card and a $50 amazon card to two of them. She's also assuring them that she will be sending them more, along with a couple others. I've gotten her mother involved in this and a couple good friends. She refuses to listen to anyone, and tells the scammers how much she hates us and loves them because of how we're treating her. I've also talked to her psychiatrist and therapist. That was after a fight where she tried to get violent.

I really don't know what options I have at this point beyond removing myself from this entirely. Hence the possibility of divorce. I don't see her making this easy with her current state of mind. I expect it to be a fight. I just don't know if I have enough grounds for an at fault divorce, or if I really need to convince her for no fault mutual consent. We have no kids. The house is in my name only, bought before our marriage. Same with our only vehicle. I do have records of everything that's been going on. Complete chat logs, photos, screenshots, etc. I just don't know how much of it I can use against her.

So what's your take on all this.

Thank you.
Stop wringing your hands and file for divorce.
She doesn't have to give her consent. You have had an "Irretrievable breakdown."
I do have records of everything that's been going on. Complete chat logs, photos, screenshots, etc. I just don't know how much of it I can use against her.
I'd like to address this as well: I haven't researched the various cybercrimes that you may have committed, but you really ought to keep quiet about your "records" and only discuss them with your attorney.
I'd like to address this as well: I haven't researched the various cybercrimes that you may have committed, but you really ought to keep quiet about your "records" and only discuss them with your attorney.[/QUOTE

Some of the information I have was obtained from a chat account we shared between our phones. She has also given me her Gmail password so that i
I could clean out her email for her when it gets full. That has occurred multiple times. So I've had permission to access her Gmail where a majority of this has occurred. That was all done on one of her computers that she also had me set up her password for her and use to perform the work. She has handed me her unlocked phone to show me stuff and message notifications have came up. She even had messages come up on our vehicles radio display so l while we're in it. She also chats with these scammers while I'm next to her on the couch or lying with her on bed while I can see the screen on her phone.

At no time did I log into an account without prior permission, install software on her phone or computers, or attempt to intercept any communications between her and these scammers.

I wasn't trying to make it seem like I was attempting anything illegal with the information I've obtained. Most was seenmby happenstance while using her electronic equipment to perform a task she asked to do for her because she is not very smart when it comes to technology.
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Some of the information I have was obtained from a chat account we shared between our phones. She has also given me her Gmail password so that i
I could clean out her email for her when it gets full. That has occurred multiple times. So I've had permission to access her Gmail where a majority of this has occurred. That was all done on one of her computers that she also had me set up her password for her and use to perform the work. She has handed me her unlocked phone to show me stuff and message notifications have came up. She even had messages come up on our vehicles radio display so l while we're in it. She also chats with these scammers while I'm next to her on the couch or lying with her on bed while I can see the screen on her phone.

At no time did I log into an account without prior permission, install software on her phone or computers, or attempt to intercept any communications between her and these scammers. Closest would be the shared chat account we set up for business reasons that she is still using for these communications.

I wasn't trying to make it seem like I was attempting anything illegal with the information I've obtained. Most was seen my happenstance while using her electronic equipment to perform a task she asked to do for her because she is not very smart em it comes to technology.

You may have admitted to a crime in the above text. STOP TALKING ABOUT IT.
I just don't know if I have enough grounds for an at fault divorce, or if I really need to convince her for no fault mutual consent.

Stop focusing on "at fault" being some form of adultery.

That costs a lot of money to prove, with negligible benefits in return.

If you can't go no fault, then go for "offering indignities". Being at the "end of [your] rope" certainly sounds like you're living under "intolerable and burdensome conditions".

A reasonable way to go about this is to try and convince her to mutually consent to the divorce. After all, she certainly seems more interested in multiple men than you.

Has she always had delusional tendencies?
Buy a vibrator and give her a workout every night. Might keep her off the internet.
You owe me a new monitor. Mine has coffee all over it now.

To the OP - How old is your wife? Any chance she could have early onset dementia? Have her doctors considered that she may have a brain tumor or some other physical issue that would explain her mental problems?

Otherwise, well, consult a family law attorney now or a bankruptcy attorney later after she throws away all her money on the scammers.
You owe me a new monitor. Mine has coffee all over it now.

To the OP - How old is your wife? Any chance she could have early onset dementia? Have her doctors considered that she may have a brain tumor or some other physical issue that would explain her mental problems?

Otherwise, well, consult a family law attorney now or a bankruptcy attorney later after she throws away all her money on the scammers.

She is 45. She does have some medical problems she sees some specialists for, but nothing like early onset dementia. She actually had some testing done recently that says she's is good there. No tumors either. She gets regular scans of her head and they would pick that up.
I am certain she is being delusional about it. I just showed her proof today regarding one of the people being impersonated. The scammers said he was separated. That's what she told me before. Yet the real person made a post to their verified Instagram account that is also linked from the bands verified account. In it he told his wife about true love spanning 4 decades, happy anniversary, and expressed his love for his wife.
Went up a little later to check on her, she's a bit sick today, and saw her chatting with the scammer. Saw him say that was not true. It was something completely unrelated. And she believed him. I saw all this while I got her glass to refill her drink.
Thankfully, my accounts are separate from hers and she can not take any money out of them.
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Just file for divorce before you get sucked into her delusional world...ie...she starts sending $$ to these scammers and when she runs out of cash, she gets credit cards and takes out cash advances to give to them. Those cards would be marital debt and you may get stuck with 1/2 of the debt.
I feel like I'm at the end of the rope with the current situation with my wife and that divorce is the only foreseeable outcome. We have been together for almost 8 years but have only been married for less than 2. We have had our issues like most people but nothing I felt we couldn't get past.

Back in July, I found out she has been having inappropriate conversations with other men online. She has never met them, but she has expressed multiple times her desire to do so. I found out when we where in bed and I saw one asking her for pictures of her in bed. I confronted her the next morning and was told that it was a one time thing and that she had already blocked and deleted him. That was a lie. After another week of seeing her constantly having conversations I dug into it a little deeper. She was having multiple conversations. To date, she has now had chats with over 50 different, unique accounts across 7 different social media and chat applications. She knows I have seen what she's doing. We have had multiple fights about it. Of course, it's all my fault. She claims she has and is doing nothing wrong. She tells them how much she loves. Things she wants to do to them. That she wants to marry them and be with them forever. She does nothing but say all these bad things I do, nothing violent. How I have constantly wronged her and killed her dreams. Everyone we know always tells her that she is wrong about that. She is just unable to accept responsibility for her own actions. To her, nothing is ever her fault. She has told me many times she would stop these chats, but nothing has stopped to date.

Now here's the real shock. They are all scammers. They all claim to be celebrities or musicians. Joe Elliot and Rick Savage of Def Leppard are the two most used. Also Rick Allen of Def Leppard, Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue, and Harrison Ford. She'll be talking to multiple people with the same name at the same time. She says she's trying to figure out which one is the real one. She is already certain that two are real. They almost always ask her for something. Usually it's gift cards or money thru something like cashapp to pay for a "fan card or membership" so that they can be together. She only recently sent something to any of them. This past weekend she sent out a $20 steam gift card and a $50 amazon card to two of them. She's also assuring them that she will be sending them more, along with a couple others. I've gotten her mother involved in this and a couple good friends. She refuses to listen to anyone, and tells the scammers how much she hates us and loves them because of how we're treating her. I've also talked to her psychiatrist and therapist. That was after a fight where she tried to get violent.

I really don't know what options I have at this point beyond removing myself from this entirely. Hence the possibility of divorce. I don't see her making this easy with her current state of mind. I expect it to be a fight. I just don't know if I have enough grounds for an at fault divorce, or if I really need to convince her for no fault mutual consent. We have no kids. The house is in my name only, bought before our marriage. Same with our only vehicle. I do have records of everything that's been going on. Complete chat logs, photos, screenshots, etc. I just don't know how much of it I can use against her.

So what's your take on all this.

Thank you.

Pennsylvania is a no fault divorce state...since 1980. So there doesn't have to be a reason to file. If you and her family and friends have tried to get through to her that she's being scammed, and she won't listen, then go file for divorce. If that doesn't wake her up, she's a lost cause. But she clearly has some issues if she thinks any of those profiles are real and is saying she hates everyone and loves them. She probably needs mental health help but she has to want it and address the issue.

You don't have to use anything against her. If you don't want to be married anymore, go file for divorce. However in looking this up it says the following:

What are grounds for no-fault divorce in PA?

To qualify for a no-fault separation divorce in Pennsylvania, you must meet the following criteria: The marriage is irretrievably broken; The parties have lived separate and apart for at least one (1) year; and. There are no unresolved financial issues between the parties.

So I'd say move out. Take yourself off anything that's joint that you can and let her sink herself if she won't listen to reason that she's getting scammed. I would bet that none of those people you mentioned actually use social media. IF they have any, they have a social media manager or someone running it.
She is 45. She does have some medical problems she sees some specialists for, but nothing like early onset dementia. She actually had some testing done recently that says she's is good there. No tumors either. She gets regular scans of her head and they would pick that up.
I am certain she is being delusional about it. I just showed her proof today regarding one of the people being impersonated. The scammers said he was separated. That's what she told me before. Yet the real person made a post to their verified Instagram account that is also linked from the bands verified account. In it he told his wife about true love spanning 4 decades, happy anniversary, and expressed his love for his wife.
Went up a little later to check on her, she's a bit sick today, and saw her chatting with the scammer. Saw him say that was not true. It was something completely unrelated. And she believed him. I saw all this while I got her glass to refill her drink.
Thankfully, my accounts are separate from hers and she can not take any money out of them.

Has she never seen the show Catfish? Because this is exactly what has happened to people on that show. There was a guy who legit thought he was talking to Katy Perry even AFTER he met the catfish. It happens to people - she's not a rare occurrence. Again she clearly doesn't want help so you need to just go file for divorce.
Stop focusing on "at fault" being some form of adultery.

That costs a lot of money to prove, with negligible benefits in return.

If you can't go no fault, then go for "offering indignities". Being at the "end of [your] rope" certainly sounds like you're living under "intolerable and burdensome conditions".

A reasonable way to go about this is to try and convince her to mutually consent to the divorce. After all, she certainly seems more interested in multiple men than you.

Has she always had delusional tendencies?

PA is a no fault divorce state so he doesn't have to do anything but state the marriage is irretrievably broken and live apart for a year.

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