Ensuring Equal Distribution

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I am the oldest of my siblings but my younger sibling has been named the executor on my father's will. He did not leave a list or specify how the distribution of assets will be distributed among the siblings.
My sister attempted to close out his bank accounts but was informed that all matters will have to go through Probate Court.
Since I live in California and my sister and siblings live in Florida. Once the legal debts are resolved and it's time to distribute whatever is left. How can the court assure me that there is a equal distribution? Will they oversee it? Will or can I receive a copy of distribution to keep the other parties honest?
It never fails in most cases in situation like this even relatives can be nasty...geeezzz It's all about principle and being honest.:no:
Our nation's prison are filled with dishonest people.
Even our government can't stop them, only catch the few they can.
I suggest you Google "intestacy in Florida".
If there are 3 siblings, you each receive 1/3, in theory, if not in fact.
Will you get yours?
If you stay engaged and nearby.
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