Estate will question


New Member
I've been with my SO for 15 years, getting married in a couple months. He recently made a will that I just read. We've been arguing all day about it. We have cars and motorcycles that we half equal amounts of money in them. He specifically left a car and motorcycle that I paid half for and one is solely titled in my name to his only child. He did not note I own half. Is this going to stand up later?
He can only bequeath what he owns. When he dies with that will, you and the child (presumable an adult by then) will be co-owners of the vehicles and you'll get to fight over them in court as to possession.

I suggest you rethink marrying this SO.

B ;)
I've been with my SO for 15 years, getting married in a couple months. He recently made a will that I just read. We've been arguing all day about it.

It might be advisable to NOT get married, if a discussion about wills and stuff creates such a controversy.

We have cars and motorcycles that we half equal amounts of money in them. He specifically left a car and motorcycle that I paid half for and one is solely titled in my name to his only child.

Stuff, money, real estate, and valuables are things that lead to divorce.

You've lived together for 15 years in peace, harmony, and bliss.

Marriage doesn't work for everyone, in fact statistics reveal that 50% of marriages end in divorce.

If your lives work well as habitators, maybe marriage will break what you've built for 15 years?

Is this going to stand up later?

No living human being can accurately predict the future.

If you wish to know what tomorrow brings, you'll have to live to see the day.
We have cars and motorcycles that we half equal amounts of money in them.

Meaning what exactly? Each of you paid half the purchase price? Who's on title for these cars and motorcycles?

He specifically left a car and motorcycle that I paid half for and one is solely titled in my name to his only child.

OK. "[O]ne is solely titled in [your] name." What about the other? How is it titled? As far as the vehicle that is solely titled in your name, him leaving it to his son in his will is about as meaningful as if I created a will that leaves all of Bill Gates's Microsoft stock to my kids. As noted in the prior response, his will only covers that which he owns at the time of his death.

He did not note I own half.

If title is solely in your name, then you own more than half.

Is this going to stand up later?

Answered above.
Meaning what exactly? Each of you paid half the purchase price? Who's on title for these cars and motorcycles?

OK. "[O]ne is solely titled in [your] name." What about the other? How is it titled? As far as the vehicle that is solely titled in your name, him leaving it to his son in his will is about as meaningful as if I created a will that leaves all of Bill Gates's Microsoft stock to my kids. As noted in the prior response, his will only covers that which he owns at the time of his death.

If title is solely in your name, then you own more than half.

Answered above.
Meaning what exactly? Each of you paid half the purchase price? Who's on title for these cars and motorcycles?

OK. "[O]ne is solely titled in [your] name." What about the other? How is it titled? As far as the vehicle that is solely titled in your name, him leaving it to his son in his will is about as meaningful as if I created a will that leaves all of Bill Gates's Microsoft stock to my kids. As noted in the prior response, his will only covers that which he owns at the time of his death.

If title is solely in your name, then you own more than half.

Answered above.
Was there a reason you posted a response that contains no content other than two quotes of my prior response?

Jeezzeee, It was mistake. I meant to add something I wrote and copied. They are titled in my name only. I paid half of if not a little more for each at original purchase price.
Jeezzeee, It was mistake. I meant to add something I wrote and copied. They are titled in my name only. I paid half of if not a little more for each at original purchase price.

If yours is the only name on the title, then it matters not what was put in the will. One can only give away (in a will) what one owns. For example: I could leave the Statue of Liberty to my kids in my will. They, of course, won't even get Lady Liberty's little toe.
They are titled in my name only. I paid half of if not a little more for each at original purchase price.'s now more than a week later, so hopefully this has been resolved. In any event, if these items are titled only in your name, anything your fiancé puts in his will won't matter. That might be impacted by your pending marriage.

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