Property Invasion, Damages, Trespass EX Girlfriend entered house without permission

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My Ex Girlfriend who I lived with for 11 years recently moved out. I didnt change the locks and she left some of her stuff. I told her to tell me when she was coming over to pick it up but she went there one day when she knew i was at work, entered my house without my permission and took some stuff. I filed a complaint with the police but before I go to the court I am wondering what she could get and if it is worth the trouble. We are in New Jersey.
Depends on how long she has been moved out and what she took. If she just moved she may say she was in the process of moving. Since she lived there with you then legally it was her place to. Still does'nt give her the right to take "your stuff".
You won't likely get far with this complaint. If sh now has all her property out of the house then she has no reason to return. You won't get a trespass out of this, and it appears you don't have any damages to claim in court. Your best option is to let it go. If you don't want her coming back again then get a restraining order- but you will have to come up with some justification for that.

She was a resident for 11 years. She did not need your permission to enter and get her own property... unless of course she had been out for some time, but you say it was recent.
Look up your statutes concerning common law marriage and/or rights of a tenant. Ask yourself, did she pay half the rent/house payment, utility bills, etc. She has tenant rights at the very least and some of the "stuff" you accrued over the 11 years may be considered joint property. Were your bank accounts and credit cards always kept separate? Do you have receipts for the "stuff" in your name only or did she, over time, help pay for some of the things she left behind? What did she buy/pay for overall within the house? Consider the possibility that by going to court they may even award her more of "your" stuff.
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