Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Ex husband charged me with petit theft…


New Member
I feel like this situation is a rollercoaster but I've landed here in hopes of getting some clarity.

My ex and I have been divorced for 8 years. We have 2 kids together, over the last few years he was court ordered to attend anger management and placed under a supervised visitation order. Last year he stopped visiting the kids all together. My kids haven't seen him in almost a year.

Today I received a court summons (Hillsborough County, FL) for a Petit Theft charge. Court date this Tuesday. I completely understand most people would deny this charge, however I genuinely have no idea what it could have been. So I called the clerk of court, state attorney, judge's assistant, no one can tell me anything.

Except for a lady at the clerk of court who seemingly slipped and told me it for brought on by my ex husband's name for personal property less than $100. I called back this afternoon and a new rep told me that's not true, they can see that information, they're confidential records.

I have never stolen anything, let alone anything from him. Especially since I haven't seen him and he's abandoned our kids.

So my question is, how am I charged with something without any clarity for what it is? It makes no sense to me. I'm overwhelmed and hoping to find some clarity here.

Thank you for your help!
Maybe he's talking about something of his you kept in the divorce that he now wants back. Just go to court and you'll find out and hopefully, you will be able to clear this up. The judge isn't going to throw you in jail when you go to court.
Maybe he's talking about something of his you kept in the divorce that he now wants back. Just go to court and you'll find out and hopefully, you will be able to clear this up. The judge isn't going to throw you in jail when you go to court.
While I agree that it's unlikely that she would be thrown in jail, she is accused of a second-degree misdemeanor that is punishable by up to 60 days in jail and a fine of up to $500.
how am I charged with something without any clarity for what it is?

The how is explained by the did.

Go to court. Plead not guilty. Don't answer any questions other than you want a lawyer. Anything you say can get you convicted because you are likely to say the wrong things.

Get a lawyer. Public defender. Insist on a trial. The burden will be on the prosecutor to prove your "crime" and will compel him to bring the complainant to court to testify. That's how you find out what is happening. If your ex refuses to reveal himself the prosecutor is likely to have to dismiss.
So my question is, how am I charged with something without any clarity for what it is? It makes no sense to me. I'm overwhelmed and hoping to find some clarity here.

On Tuesday, 27 February 2024, you'll learn exactly why and for what the pending legal matter is all about.

It might be you're being sued by your former spouse over a civil matter, rather than a criminal matter.

Not to worry, breathe deeply, exhale, relax.

You might simply discover that your former spouse filed a civil suit against you for some nonsensical reason.

Nevertheless, all you need do at the moment is say nothing about this matter, appear in court at the hour, on the date, and in the place where the summons so directed/instructed you.

No need to fret about hiring an attorney, until you've received copies of documents applicable to the matter before the court.

If its a criminal matter, you simply plead not guilty and ask the court if you qualify for the appointment of a state sponsored public defender.

On the other hand, if its a civil matter, obtain copies of all relevant documents, listen to judge's admonishments, and after leaving the courthouse, investigate your ability to retain counsel.

My guess, in a mere 96 hours or less, you'll probably be much more informed about this nothing, pitiful event.

You already know you're innocent, so don't let it bother as to why the other party did this or that. Simply accept the fact, that sooner or later, you'll finally be rid of the useless imitation of a male human being. As far as him no longer being involved with your children, that's what my grandfather would call a lagniappe. Life often provides us with Lagniappes, we just need to recognize and accept the little blessings they bear.
You already know you're innocent, so don't let it bother as to why the other party did this or that. Simply accept the fact, that sooner or later, you'll finally be rid of the useless imitation of a male human being. As far as him no longer being involved with your children, that's what my grandfather would call a lagniappe. Life often provides us with Lagniappes, we just need to recognize and accept the little blessings they bear.
Thanks. I'm an Army vet and your wisdom really felt like home.
Today I received a court summons (Hillsborough County, FL) for a Petit Theft charge.
That sounds like a criminal charge. The summons should say if it is criminal or civil.

If criminal (and since you have not received service of a civil suit), say nothing except not guilty if asked. Don't try to explain anything thinking you can explain your way out of the charges. As a civil matter, you have some wiggle room to respond.

Then follow the advice given above in other posts.
I feel like this situation is a rollercoaster but I've landed here in hopes of getting some clarity.

My ex and I have been divorced for 8 years. We have 2 kids together, over the last few years he was court ordered to attend anger management and placed under a supervised visitation order. Last year he stopped visiting the kids all together. My kids haven't seen him in almost a year.

Today I received a court summons (Hillsborough County, FL) for a Petit Theft charge. Court date this Tuesday. I completely understand most people would deny this charge, however I genuinely have no idea what it could have been. So I called the clerk of court, state attorney, judge's assistant, no one can tell me anything.

Except for a lady at the clerk of court who seemingly slipped and told me it for brought on by my ex husband's name for personal property less than $100. I called back this afternoon and a new rep told me that's not true, they can see that information, they're confidential records.

I have never stolen anything, let alone anything from him. Especially since I haven't seen him and he's abandoned our kids.

So my question is, how am I charged with something without any clarity for what it is? It makes no sense to me. I'm overwhelmed and hoping to find some clarity here.

Thank you for your help!
Go to the court date and find out. If you don't go, that's going to make things worse.

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