Ex-husband in Ontario lowers child support payments

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I was wondering if I could get some advice. My divorce was final 8 years ago. Child support was ordered thru the courts. My ex gives me the cheques directly (I opted out of going thru the Family Resposiblity Office) and I have never had a problem receiving child support payments.
Here is the issue. My ex has lowered his support payments as one of my children has grown up and left home. I still have two children at home at this time. I am in agreement that payments should be lowered but I need to have proof of income to determine what the child support payments should be. My ex will not turn over his income tax information.
Part of our divorce agreement states that we will exchange tax information by June 1 of every year so that support payments can be determined according to the guidelines.
I have requested information verbally many times but realized this does not hold up in court. I sent a registered letter requesting information but he refused it. I have now physically handed him a letter with my request. He still has not responded.
It there a form that I can fill out myself and submit to the coursts or do I have to go to a lawyer?
I know my ex is undercutting the support payments. He figured out the new support payment by taking his original child support payment and dividing by three (three children) and then taking that total and mutiplying by two (for the two children left at home)

I tried to explain that support payments are based on income made and the guidelines but he does not respond.

This man has walked all over me enough and it's time he is made accountable. Please offer me any insight into this issue.
Thanks a bundle.
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What I did was go to the court house myself and fill out the paperwork to have a change in support payments.. you will have to have him served with the papers after u are all done having then notorized. You will get a court date and be able to sit down with duty counsel at the court house on the day of your appearance... he will HAVE to give them his financial info and it will not cost u a cent...
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