Ex in Possession of My Truck


New Member
New Mexico
I left an abusive relationship with my ex last year. I had to leave behind a ton of personal effects belonging to my then 4 yr old son and I. Fast forward to now, I have a court order requiring the ex to return my truck. He refuses to do so. The truck is titled in my name. HE, however, has possession of it, and both sets of keys. Can I have my truck towed away if I see it in a public place?
Can I have my truck towed away

You have a court order.

He's in contempt of court.

File for contempt.

Or have a cop accompany you to his place to get the keys and the truck. If you don't have your original title, go to the DMV first and get a duplicate so you have evidence of ownership. Registration papers might not be enough.

Or talk to some towing companies that do impound and repo work and ask if your court order works for them and how much it would cost to get it towed with a flatbed truck.

Arrange to have it towed directly to a dealer so you can have the door locks and ignition locks changed. It'll cost you a bunch but since he has both keys he can come get it whenever he wants to..

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