Ex not paying credit cards in my name

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I have a problem where 2 closed account credit cards have balances on them. They were in my name as primary and his name. My ex was to pay them as stated in the divorce decree. Now he's not paying them and it's ruining my credit. These credit card companies wouldn't take my name off of them when we split, and he didn't qualify to get another credit card in his own name to transfer the balances, so here I am.

I'm not sure if I should just go ahead and start paying on them, or wait and see if he starts paying them or if he defaults. If I wait, when I do have to take them over, all of those past due fees and interest will be so much. Neither credit card company has contacted me for payment, which I don't understand.

Any suggestions?

Not legal advice, just what your post brought to mind when I read it.

If he was court-ordered to pay the CC's, but hasn't, it does present a bad deal for you.

Don't listen to me, wait for another reply or three, just what I would probably do in the situation.

The hurt to your credit can only be repaired in time, yet the financial problems can be fixed with another court appearance.

Again, if it was me, I would probably try to pay the account balances, or at least make payments, as to try and not hurt your credit as bad.
I'd then look into getting some kind of enforcement, on the court order, telling him to pay the bills. You should be able to get re-embursed for whatever payments you make, given the balances are listed on the divorce decree/paperwork.

Tryin'.... :)
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