ex trying to get court order dropped

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New Member
hi i'm new here i just received a certified letter from my ex-boyfriend's lawyer. he is trying to get the courts to drop my childsupport that he was issued to pay. he is suing me, he claims he did not know about our daughter, before the paternity test,which the courts issued we take. this is a lie because we lived together while i was pregnant and for 11months after our daughter was born. she is now 22yrs old still lives with me. i did not receive child support untill she was around 18, so it is back support plus interest.he is trying to get the courts to drop the support and make me pay it back plus his lawyers fees and court cost. we are scheduled for a pretrial hearing on 12-2-09. i dont know what to do because i cant afford a lawyer i have severe crohns disease and am on dissability. he lives in ohio and i live in georgia, when my daughter was very small i had take a leave from work to care for my sick mom so i had to get public assistants for about six months in order to get help i had to fill child support papers out my mom got better i went back to work and forgot all about the papers untill years later when i got the summons years later to appear in court. i have pictures of my ex and me with my daughter while she was still in the hospital and i have family and friends that are willing to sign noterized statements stating the fact that we were together and he knew about her but would this stand up in court? everyone is in georgia with me but i do have a sister that lives in ohio that said she would testify on my behalf if i could get there. my wittnesses that live in georgia cant go but can get noterized written statements. what i want to know is can he make me pay this back and would the court appoint me an attorney in ohio,because i am not a resident there, what is the leagal way to go about this? i just recently got my dissability started and received a small back check, he is on unemployement everytime i went to ohio he would come to my sisters house to see my daughter, throughout the years but would never do any thing for her im lost and not sure what to do i just recently got out of the hospital and do not want to have to go back because of the stress of this. anyone that can give me some advice is greatly appreciated
thank you and god bless,
Ohio has this silliness about serving people by certified mail or I wouldn't believe that there is actually a case. Your posting is confusing to me because your judgment against him is in Georgia and they would have continuing jurisdiction over this case not Ohio. In order to modify it he should have to file in Georgia.

First call your caseworker in GA and ask their opinion. They may be able to help you. Call the clerk's office in Ohio and make sure their is a case. I wouldn't hire an attorney, I would show up if I could, bring your pictures and your sister. If his case is that he didn't know you were pregnant, he could get in pretty serious trouble for filing it. If you go explain your side to the Judge I think you will prevail.
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