Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI Expunged DUI - can I travel overseas?

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I have a green card and got my DUI in 2008. I got it expunged in 2010. Can I travel overseas? My case would be 5 years this Oct 30th, 2013. My father is very sick and would love to visit him in the Philippines. Thanks in advance!
Even though it was expunged, to be on the safe side you might want to ask an immigration attorney. (unless someone comes along here & knows for sure)
Thanks Betty! Would love a second opinion... this is what I got from someone I have not yet officially retained their services. I emailed them my expunged court documents:

If this is your only conviction, then you be fine traveling in and out of the US. You should bring this document with you. The DHS will likely put you through second secondary inspection because of it so that they can ask you questions. It is a conviction for reckless driving. Ultimately, they will let you reenter the US.

Since the conviction took place on 10/29/08, you actually want to wait at this point until 10/30/13 to submit your citizenship application. We can assist you with the application should be interested. Please contact my office below for a consultation at that time.
I have a green card and got my DUI in 2008. I got it expunged in 2010. Can I travel overseas? My case would be 5 years this Oct 30th, 2013. My father is very sick and would love to visit him in the Philippines. Thanks in advance!

Your question should be asked of the immigration authorities. I doubt you'll get a straight answer, because they're still sending people to Gitmo and treating them inhumanely. Nevertheless, if I were you, I'd ask them for a written determination or opinion BEFORE you trust your future to the fickle finger of some bureaucrat.

Or, better yet, stay in the PI. It's much nicer than the US these days, in fact, it has been for the last 50 odd years.
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