Criminal Records, Expungement Expungement Procedure and Records Access

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I have misdemeanor charges that are to be dismissed through diversion. After that is complete I plan to have my record expunged. From what I understand, after that is accomplished one can claim when asked that they have never been arrested, charged, or convicted of a crime. is this true?...Also, I understand that although expunged, records do still exist. Who has access to these records? Would this be an issue if I was traveling abroad ever?
If the charge will be dismissed, then just exactly what do you want expunged?
I received a post guilty plea diversion for 5 misdemeanor charges of shoplifting (1 arrest) and was on probation for two years...I also spent a night in jail when arrested and had to post bond. This was in TN..As I understand the TN statutes and from what my lawyer tells me, a case is eligible for expungement if it is dismissed out of hand or dismissed through diversion. I want as many public records of this event destroyed as much as possible
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