F. Lee. Bailey, dead at age 87.

army judge

Super Moderator
I met Mr. Bailey as a very young attorney.

We spoke briefly, and I was in awe.

The man's body of work speaks to his legal prowess.

May you rest in peace, Mr. Bailey, may your relatives mourn your passing and gain peace as they grieve.

Celebrity attorney F. Lee Bailey dead at 87
The man's body of work speaks to his legal prowess.

I never met him, and I was never much of a fan. The early decades of his career he certainly shone brightly (for the most part, anyway) with a keen mind fantastic preparation of his cases, and sharp attention to detail. However, I felt he liked publicity a bit too much and sometimes his client's suffered as a result of his quest of the limelight. And of course he was disbarred in Florida in 2001 and in Massachusetts in 2002. He served time in federal prison for contempt before that. He attempted to get admitted to the bar of Maine in 2013, passing the bar but getting denied a license to practice as the Supreme Court of Maine stated it believed he had not really learned the lesson from his transgressions that caused him to lose his licenses in those other states. So for the last two decades he has not been able to practice law and has instead resorted to offering informal counseling and second opinions to people. I don't know what happened to him to cause that fall. By outward appearances to me it was greed, but the full reason may be a lot more complex.
He owned a home across from Lynn (Massachusetts) beach years ago...I was sitting at a bench with Lil'blu (she was about 3 or 4 months old) enjoying the view and he stopped to admire her. He said she was a beautiful baby. I looked up to say thank you and was surprised to see it was F. Lee!! I said "Thank you, Mr Bailey" and he gave me a wink and a nod and moved along. I was super surprised he spoke with me...but not that he thought lil'blu was beautiful. She was a ridiculously cute baby. ;)

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