Criminal Records, Expungement Facing Disorderly Conduct charges-want expunged

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I'm 19, and I live at home with my parents. I go to a local college and work part time as well.

Last week, my father and I got into an argument over my privlage to drive his car(1 of 3 which is considered to be mine). Anyway, we were getting loud and yelling and such. He called the Police who came and talked with him. I didn't say much to the police because I was tired from the arguing. My father didn't press charges or anything, but was just concerned about me and the fact I was not able to "cool down". The next day, we had the same problem again. This time my parents tried calling Crisis Intervention which is for people who are not all that emotionally stable and are threatening suicide or attempting. The person they talked with said to get the police involved and they could not help because I wasn't hurting/threatening anyone or hurting myself. The person they talked with then said they would call the police for my mother(who was talking with her) because she could hear my father and I arguing.
So the police came for a second time. They were talking with my parents again and discussing what they could do for them. My parents seemed to want me to go to a hospital for observation. I do see two doctors, a psychotherapist and a pyschologist. My parents know this and wanted medical attention for me, but also for the problems to stop. My father talked with me while the police were present and asked if I would go with him to the hospital since the police cannot take me there(like they would if I was suicidal). At the time, I didn't want to go anywhere with anyone. I didn't even want to go hang out with my friends. All I wanted was to be left alone. Once I told my dad "No." when he asked if I would come with him or my mother to the hospital, a police officer came upstairs where we were talking(in a open hallway, they could hear us) and arrested me.
Now, while at my home(not mine, but my residence) and while my father and I argued, I was jumping up and down a few times. I also hit a door jamb with my fist. I never attacked, or threatened my parents.

What do I do when I go to court? My parent's signed the waiver of restraint, and my mother bailed me out. Can I get these charges dismissed? I am currently living at home, even after this has happened. My parents and I have resolved things.

Cliffs:Argument with my father, police came on two occasions, two days. Was arrested the second time, by the state, not by charges pressed via my parents. How can I get this expunged?
By the way, the medications I was perscribed at the time obviously have side effects. These are the side effects of one of the medications I was perscribed two days before I had the police called. (The other medication I have been taking for some time now)
"can also cause aggressive behavior, agitation, anxiety, excitability, hostility, irritability, nervousness..."

Would this, along with my parent's support, be enough to get the case dismissed/expunged?
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