Failure to provide progress report

Dustin Sanders

New Member
My wife and I obtained guardianship of her niece when I believe she was 15 or 16. Her biological mother was not providing a stable home and environment for her due to drug abuse. We were made aware the day of guardianship was awarded about making progress reports to the court. We however were never really told how to submit them so we completely forgot to submit them. She is now 18 and graduated from highschool. We recently received a message from our law firm that the court has set a hearing as to why we didn't submit reports to them . Our neice maintained good grades in school, never in trouble and we provided a stable home and healthcare for her. How much trouble are we looking a getting into by forgetting to submit progress reports. My wife and I have never been in any violation of the law and don't know what our options are. Please help
My wife and I obtained guardianship of her niece when I believe she was 15 or 16. Her biological mother was not providing a stable home and environment for her due to drug abuse. We were made aware the day of guardianship was awarded about making progress reports to the court. We however were never really told how to submit them so we completely forgot to submit them. She is now 18 and graduated from highschool. We recently received a message from our law firm that the court has set a hearing as to why we didn't submit reports to them . Our neice maintained good grades in school, never in trouble and we provided a stable home and healthcare for her. How much trouble are we looking a getting into by forgetting to submit progress reports. My wife and I have never been in any violation of the law and don't know what our options are. Please help
You, apparently, have an attorney who is familiar with this matter. That attorney is the best person to ask.
We were made aware the day of guardianship was awarded about making progress reports to the court. We however were never really told how to submit them so we completely forgot to submit them.

You could have asked.

I found this form in a few seconds.

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How much trouble are we looking a getting into by forgetting to submit progress reports.

I suggest you create a very thorough progress report covering the last two years. You can start with the form and modify it to suit. Then bring it to court for your hearing, along with your apologies, and that may satisfy the judge.

Though I do agree with a conversation with your attorney about it is appropriate.
We were made aware the day of guardianship was awarded about making progress reports to the court.

Made aware by whom?

We however were never really told how to submit them

When you were made aware of the need to file the reports, why didn't you ask the person who made you aware about how and how often to file the reports?

How much trouble are we looking a getting into by forgetting to submit progress reports.

That's an excellent question for the lawyer who advised you about this (and who, arguably, ought to have been checking with you when the reports were due). That said, I suspect the answer is little or none - especially since the child has now reached the age of majority. I suggest that, before spending any time now creating reports, you have a conversation with your attorney about how to deal with the upcoming hearing, whether the guardianship terminates automatically because the child is now an adult, and, if it doesn't terminate automatically, what you need to do to terminate it.
Thank you all for the advice I spoke with my attorneys office I was able to speak with the judges office and submitted an update letter with the clerk and the judges office. Also didn't realize it was a not a self terminating guardianship so made a request for the guardianship to be dissolved. Judges of said once they received the letter they would issue a hearing dismissal. Hopefully that is the end of it

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