Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant False arrest

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I have been falsely accused of stealing equipment I own. The people who have accused me are my ex partners in a firm. They are claiming that I was not a partner due to the partnership agreement being invalid and because one partner filed a dba under the company name in his name only. I have had sole possession of this equipment for 6 months. The local police department seems to be corrupt as they have actually filed grand theft charges against me, even though I provided them a copy of the partnership agreement, as well as receipts for most of the purchases in my name alone. The other partners are well connected in the town where the charges have been filed. I have retained counsel but I am asking for any other advise you may have. Thanks in advance
jumpinjack said:
I have been falsely accused of stealing equipment I own. The people who have accused me are my ex partners in a firm. They are claiming that I was not a partner due to the partnership agreement being invalid and because one partner filed a dba under the company name in his name only. I have had sole possession of this equipment for 6 months. The local police department seems to be corrupt as they have actually filed grand theft charges against me, even though I provided them a copy of the partnership agreement, as well as receipts for most of the purchases in my name alone. The other partners are well connected in the town where the charges have been filed. I have retained counsel but I am asking for any other advise you may have. Thanks in advance

Keep a copy of all your evidence in a safety deposit box. Just speak with your counselor. Even if the system is corrupted, it still has to stand up to an appeals decision from a higher court.

Another strategy, especially if the chief of police or sheriff is an elected representative...the prosecutor most like is as to take the issue to the media.

But I would talk to your counselor because any of this and seek his advice. The thing about being rail roaded is that they provide the tracks that you get tied down to. They just can't control when the train comes through and who will be on it.
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