False charges


New Member
My brother was pulled over recently and was told he would be getting citation in the mail for reckless driving, however, the court arraignment came under my name. The car was registered under my name. I looked up the police report and the officer stated that I was the one that was actually driving and I was falsely identifying myself as my brother. Our appearances kind of match. I called around to my local lawyers and they are charging fees I cannot afford. I was wondering if I would be able to represent myself in this case and how I should go about it. Thank you.
I was wondering if I would be able to represent myself in this case and how I should go about it. Thank you.
Any person accused of any crime has the right to become her/his attorney.

Before you attempt to become Perry Mason, I suggest you don't try to claim something the police officer's body cam will easily show you're lying.

Judges and prosecutors dislike liars.

Before you leap, always reflect, then leap.

Sometimes, leaping can be hazardous to one's health.
Any person accused of any crime has the right to become her/his attorney.

Before you attempt to become Perry Mason, I suggest you don't try to claim something the police officer's body cm will easily show you're lying.

Judges and prosecutors dislike liars.

Before you leap, always reflect, then leap.

Sometimes, leaping can be hazardous to one's health.
By the same token, said body cam footage (if it exists) may exonerate the OP.
@jtoor24 - You may qualify for a public defender in this matter. If you do, then take advantage of said attorney. Said attorney will know the best way to obtain the evidence that may exonerate you.
I was wondering if I would be able to represent myself in this case and how I should go about it.

Sure, you can represent yourself.

In addition to the other suggestions, make sure your brother goes to court with you and admits to being the driver.

And never again let him, or anybody else, use your car.
My brother was pulled over recently and was told he would be getting citation in the mail for reckless driving

Were you with him when this happened, or are you just telling us what he told you?

I was wondering if I would be able to represent myself in this case

The last part of your post suggests that you do not have this ability, but it's impossible to be certain, and you are certainly free to try.

how I should go about it.

You're not going to get any sort of detailed step-by-step how-to guide on an internet message board, and no one here is a criminal defense attorney in Washington. You could try attending a few sessions in the same courtroom before your appearance and see how things go.

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