False Restraining Order - need help ASAP

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Here's the scenario:

A vindictive ex-girlfriend filed for a restraining order against me to prevent Family Abuse, etc. (actually to seek vengeance, not because of eminent fear..). She lied on the R.O. petition and I contested this in court because there was never abuse or threats. I thought for sure I had won the case, but the Judge ordered the R.O. be continued after 2 weeks when he took the case under "advisement".

More info.. When she found out I was contesting the R.O. she went and saw a lawyer who helped her review the case and coached her on what to say, and even advised her to subpoena a Deputy Sheriff (whom I'd never had contact with before) and the lawyer even helped him with his testimony.. In court he said that he went by her house and that it was dark, the blinds closed-- and that she 'seemed like someone who was in fear for her safety"..

The judges order even contained several statements and accusations against me that were not even brought up during testimony! He stated there was a "preponderence of evidence.." The only evidence were some emails that did not even contain threats or harrassing statements. The Judge also stated that "in especially that respondent accused petitioner of cheating.." which was another Untrue statement.. It's as if the judge had mixed this up with another case.

Now, I'm wondering what to do.. Her lawyer filed a motion for me to pay for her attorney fees when she didn't even need an attorney.. Is there any way that I can get a New Hearing or motion to Dismiss this case altogether? I have a 1 week window left before this darn thing becomes permanent! I'm 40 years old and have Never been served, arrested, and had never been in court before. My record is clean and I'd like to keep it that way. I hear that an appeal can be a cumbersome and expensive thing to do..

Please give some advice here ASAP. Thanks!
Also, this woman gave all of my personal belongings to the Salvation Army after we split up!! It was about $1000 worth of stuff.. Does this give me any weight in my dilemna?
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