falsely accused of racial slur against her boyfriend

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A co-worker (falsely) accused me of making a racial slur against her boyfriend. She took it to the boss, and w/o any witnesses, investigation or even asking me my side..I was given a verbal warning to be put in my file. I have been off work for several days and when I returned today, boss would not speak to me and 3 co-workers told me the accuser was going to each of them (16 in office) and telling them of our "meeting" with the boss and the results. However, two of them related what (supposedly) was told to them by her, and the story has been greatly embellished from the facts, even relating something I was supposed to have said several wks ago when she first met this guy and told the office about it. Cannot go to boss as she is so angry w/me, assuming I committed this "crime." Can I sue co-worker for slander, deflamation, both, and is she protected from the law since she is on company time/property?
What actual damages have you suffered because of this, and how do you propose to prove in court that she did not believe what she was saying is true?

Note: by actual damages, you need more than the boss being mad at you or a note being put in your file. Did you lose your job? Were you demoted? Suspended? Had your pay lowered?
None of the above, other than the humiliation and no one will talk to me now, as they are afraid of getting in trouble or "choosing sides". I won't defend myself as I feel there is no need, but feeling very isolated and leprocy-like. Not grounds for slander, huh?
Thank you for replying. Mrs. D
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