Falsely accused of sexual abuse of sons

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I was arrested in Jan. 1997. My wife at the time began divorce precedings without my knowledge. My criminal attorney discovered that she saw an attorney who advised my than wife that if she wanted full custody, she would have to make a casethat I sexually abused the kids.
Dr. Katz was refered and he tested and treated the kids. The children were examined by a medical doctor of my exes choice. His findings "no sign of anal sex but the scars could have healed".
All doctors I have talked with say this doctor is nuts.
The case was prolong for over 3 years. I ran out of funds and my Attorney, John Hughes of Bayonne pressured me to plea bargain at 2nd degree. The Judge, Conforti lowed the charges to 3rd degree.
I haven't sween my kids and I am desperate.
Please advise.
It is unclear from what you write what you are seeking. It also sounds like there are a number of other facts that we don't know about which might elicit a plea bargain. Since this is a criminal case, you should have had a public defender take your case, although you might be talking about the divorce proceeding. It is usual that the defendant in a criminal case is informed that a plea of guilty is the same as if a guilty verdict was rendered by a jury. With regard to visitation, this would also seem to be a matter that was dealt with by the court and I'm not sure whether it is the court preventing you from visitation as a result of your plea.
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Thank you very much for your quick response. There are a number of things that I would like to point out but this forumresquests that we keep it breif. Other points were that I was never interviewed by DYFS, the video of my interegation in the station at 11pm was mystiously lost, and the detectives say they didn't make a video. When I went thru pre sentencing, I told both the court psychologist and the Avenell Prison psychologistthe reasion for my plea. That is was pressured into me since !) I should not play roullette with a jury, no one knows how they will react. 2) To prevent further emotional damge by forcing the children to take the stand and be questioned and crossed examined.
In addition, I have the videos and it clearly show thatthe childrens testimony was coerced. The prosecutor fought not to have to release them. I have had them reveiwed by my senators and congressmen and they are appalled (they are trying to investigate this case also).
So I would like to know how to obtain a puplic attorney. I lok again to hearing from you soon.
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