family member being kept from other family that is isolating and treating there elderly father without dignity


family member being kept from other family that is isolating and treating there elderly father without dignity
family member being kept from other family that is isolating and treating there elderly father without dignity

If you suspect a senior citizen is being abused, mistreated, or harmed in Washington state complain to these fine people.

Good luck.
My grandfathers (my uncles and aunt ) Have taken my grandfather from his house half a year ago took his phone and have isolated him from his family and from his friends. Is there a way that we can request to hear from him, know his whereabouts and have every ability to have communication? I am hoping that if we all were to send certified mail or something in numbers that my family might not it off and get his phone back to him. I thought it was the normal family type great or entitlement crap that happens all too often However I just spoke with a close lady friend of his I know he has always just thought the world of and she says they have got between that relationship between my grandpa and her. they last talked over 6 months ago many family members and friends have been not able to see him or talk with him. If i were to have a certified letter with all our signatures requesting that they stop the way they are isolating him and that we will all be moving forward with what is next to bring his dignity back about for him in these matters or should this be done individually? or what?
If the family member is being kept from other family members, how do you know he's being treated without dignity?
If the family member is being kept from other family members, how do you know he's being treated without dignity? If someone took your phone preventing you from being able to have your own free will to communicate with whom you wish to when you want or for someone to reach you that you would love to hear from; would you feel dignified?

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