Other Visitation Family member deported, can they get a tourist visa


New Member
My father was deported 8 years ago. He has a 10 year sentence. I graduate in May from University and was hoping he could be there. Is there any way that he could get a tourist visa? It would only be for that, not to stay or anything. If yes, would this cause any interruptions to the 10 years.
I would like to add that he has no criminal record or misdoings (tax invasion, etc.)
My father was deported 8 years ago. He has a 10 year sentence. I graduate in May from University and was hoping he could be there. Is there any way that he could get a tourist visa? It would only be for that, not to stay or anything. If yes, would this cause any interruptions to the 10 years.
I would like to add that he has no criminal record or misdoings (tax invasion, etc.)
I would suggest Facetime, or some other similar technology, to allow your father to "be there" for your graduation.

I think the poster means he has a ten-year bar on admissibility. Such is what happens when you are deported. The only way he will be considered for any entrance into the US is if he gets a waiver of that bar first . The bar is only going to be lifted if you an show "extreme hardship" on YOUR part (not the deportees). Chances are the way things are going at CIS these days, the ten years will be up before they act on it anyhow.

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