Farmland Irrigation has been placed under my home going to the distibution point valve shut off.


New Member
Over the last year a group of farmers I believe to be three have forced pressurized irrigation pipes through my property on two sides going under my home. I need to find help as the water master seems to think it is a private system when they came to my property early in in the project. Even though I've tried the state water resource dept. I cannot find someone to help me before the force if this coursing water destroys what pushing these pipes didn't destroy of my homes foundation. There is no permits easements of record. The work is being done by farmhands unlicensed for this type of work. I've called the sheriff but since the participants hide in adjacent property and I feel have undermined my foundation for access. It seems to be a costly road for a judgement I won't be able to collect on. What can I do I want to sell and move I've been packed for a year but this keeps me pinned to this home.
Over the last year a group of farmers I believe to be three have forced pressurized irrigation pipes through my property on two sides going under my home.

I don't understand. You live there and people came on to your property, dug up your land, and ran a water line under your house.

That must have taken some time. How is it that you didn't see them working and call the authorities while it was happening, or otherwise stop them?

It seems to be a costly road for a judgement I won't be able to collect on. What can I do

Ah, the eternal question.

What can I do? I don't want to, or can't afford to, litigate.

Unless you dig up the water line and destroy it, I really don't have any answer for you.
Over the last year a group of farmers I believe to be three have forced pressurized irrigation pipes through my property on two sides going under my home.

I join in "adjusterjack's" question. Particularly if the pipes run "under [your] home," I don't really see how this could be possible.

I need to find help as the water master seems to think it is a private system when they came to my property early in in the project.

What the heck is a "water master"? And who are "they"?

I cannot find someone to help me before the force if this coursing water destroys what pushing these pipes didn't destroy of my homes foundation.


The work is being done by farmhands unlicensed for this type of work.'re claiming that unlicensed "farmhands" "forced pressurized irrigation pipes through [your] property . . . [and] under [your] home"?

It seems to be a costly road for a judgement I won't be able to collect on.

A judgment against whom and for what? Why do you think you won't be able to collect?

What can I do

I'm confident you can do lots of things, including "sell[ing] and mov[ing]."

this keeps me pinned to this home.


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