Father signing over his rights

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I am in the process of trying to get my daughter adopted by her step father. Her biological father has already said he would sign over his rights. I am trying to complete this process without using a lawyer. I have called our court house to file the petitions and get advice but have yet to receive a call back from them. My question is where to start how do I get the forms I need to start the process. Thank you in advance
You'll need much more than forms.
Adopting a child isn't like transferring the title to a car.
Adoption is expensive, time consuming, and almost impossible without a lawyer.
That call from the courthouse won't ever arrive, because they don't give legal advice.
Finally, it's a rare day when people are allowed to give up their parental responsibilities, obligations, and duties.
No one here will provide you adoption instructions, but you can try Googling or Yahooing for some.
In the state of VA one of the stipulations in step parent adoption is if the biological parent is going to voluntarily sign away their rights then they must be turning them over to another (step) parent. They can not voluntarily sign them away just to get out of responsibilities, obligations, etc. there must be another parent to assume the responsibility of the minor. I not looking for instructions I am simply looking for advice and if anyone has been in a similar situation could share insight.
Get an attorney. It will be done right the first time.
I am in the process of trying to get my daughter adopted by her step father. Her biological father has already said he would sign over his rights. I am trying to complete this process without using a lawyer. I have called our court house to file the petitions and get advice but have yet to receive a call back from them. My question is where to start how do I get the forms I need to start the process. Thank you in advance

Please see an attorney.

The court isn't going to call you back with legal advice - they're not allowed to do that.
My opinion also is get (talk to) an attorney. This really isn't something you want to do on your own.
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