fathers rights

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New Member
hi i am 17 and i have posted one other post here that never got a replie i dont know why but thats ok too now im asking about a newly required problem my daughter was just born 8.24.04 i signed the acknowledgment papers and was told when i called my daughters mothers house that since there is a no contact order by judge james punch between the mother and i that i am not allowed to call even if im only asking about my daughter in wich when i call i alway only talk to the mothers aunts girlfriend and not to the mother of my daughter do to the order of no contact are they alowed to do this:confused: :mad: :(
wolf_jessy said:
hi i am 17 and i have posted one other post here that never got a replie i dont know why but thats ok too now im asking about a newly required problem my daughter was just born 8.24.04 i signed the acknowledgment papers and was told when i called my daughters mothers house that since there is a no contact order by judge james punch between the mother and i that i am not allowed to call even if im only asking about my daughter in wich when i call i alway only talk to the mothers aunts girlfriend and not to the mother of my daughter do to the order of no contact are they alowed to do this:confused: :mad: :(

Yeah, i had the same thing done to me. It's called a PFA. Protection from Abuse order. What you can do is contact DHR and let your case worker handle the visitation. If the state orders them that they let you see your child and they don't, they will be in contempt. Another good way to go about it is to talk to a lawyer in your area and try to get visitation. Some states don't include visitation rights when establishing child support. Good luck
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